The Women’s March was, by most reported measures, a success. Though it remains to be seen what the organization’s…
OH THANK GOD THERE’S SHADE COURT TODAY. Now the year can end on a not-totally-horrifying note. Bless you, Kara.
Ms Coffee, a feminist Jew lady, walks in with a coffee in one hand and a handful of tampons in the other. Both refreshingly hip and wickedly old fashioned she’s unafraid to crack whipsharp jokes harkening to the wonder years. “Hey,” Ms coffee said leaning over, her lady breasts gleaming with sugar, “what’s black and…
I wouldn’t take the person to task, either. I’m just saying people have silly opinions sometimes. That includes people who have silly opinions about their bodies; whether they are pregnant on not. I’m saying a person’s opinions don’t have to personally effect us before we roll our eyes at them.
Do I think Jesus as anything to do with the weather? Nope, but I’m also not going to tell that person thanking him that they are wrong for feeling that way. I mean for all I know Jesus is up there saying, “I feel like sunbathing today. Let there be glorious weather!”
There is no “right” way for a woman to be pregnant. She doesn’t worry enough, she worries too much, she doesn’t take the right precautions, she’s ridiculous, etc.
I think honest pieces like this are so necessary, especially around things like Mother’s Day or the death of someone’s mom. When I moved away for college, I never looked back. Well, that’s a lie because I do find myself looking back at how horrible my mom was - especially to me. Now that I’m a parent and do the things…
...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h…
As a parent of a small daughter all I can say is your right but you are going to exhaust yourself. My daughter is also multi cultural, and if I had to sit her down and fight every micro bs moment we wouldn’t have time to have fun with life. The best I can teach her is that it is up to her to define her own existance,…
As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don't agree. We must be ignorant!
Definitely. And she has a point. (Taylor will never, ever speak out, especially as it’s against Sony, where she started.)
Beyonce has been bailing out protestors, donating her tour proceeds to Flint, making videos supporting Black Lives Matter. Taylor Swift invoked a Madeline Albright quote and said there’s a special place in hell for Amy Poehler and Tina Fey for making a joke about her, she used feminism to market her album and make a…
As a Black woman speaking specifically to and about Black women, there is much that Beyonce can do to piss off or not be enough for white feminists, and when she does do something, it will continue to be picked apart. So now since Beyonce hasn’t commented on Kesha, the measurement of a feminist is if she comments on…
yeah “shitty luck” that a black man has the common sense to NOT call the cops 1) because of a deeply ingrained cultural aversion to getting others in trouble with the law (aka snitching) 2) because of a deeply ingrained cultural distrust of the police and 3) because of the common sense that no police officer will…
speaking the truth about how white women perpetuate and benefit from racism makes her,a woc,a troll? you really need to read up on intersectional feminism and #whitefeminism.
I’m sorry, I just don’t see it that way. To me it’s taking offense at the blatant hypocrisy to complain about a behavior (sexism) that they perpetuate in another form (racism) but is not discouraging the white women from complaining... instead I feel it’s calling white women to action to be less racist.
Emmet Till’s mother did not ask for her son’s dead body to be used as a rhetorical tool on the internet against black people who are 1) already aware of what happened to her son and 2) dealing with their own daily racial traumas from living in a white supremacy.
This is one of those instances where you need to check yourself. I’m black, and not shaken in the way some may be by such images, but you have people here who are likely affected telling you that something is problematic, something that would take such a minor step to remedy—a warning, and you’re preoccupied with “I…
Can you please put a trigger warning. Not everyone finds the images of dead black bodies titillating like white people do. Like would you just throw up an image of a white woman looking like that with no warning?