
The RNLI are absolute heros, who never get enough credit. My family business is a fishmongers, and my dad has had some real nasty experiences out at sea - being a fisherman is more dangerous, statistically, than being in the army. They have saved him, and many other people I know, from some really scary situations.

Isn't Nigella Jewish any way? Is there a special reason to expect her to run herself ragged to do a 'traditional' christmas?

Well, had I described myself as "small" you might have a point. I would never describe myself as small. However, taking into consideration the context of this story and this comment, the point is that I am not a plus-sized woman, I have absolutely no difficulty fitting into any piece of furniture anywhere, so it makes

This may be the worst outfit in the history of the world. Also, i thought she was vegetarian, or even vegan ... am i behind the times on that one? if she is either of those things i think this get-up of hers is sorta hypocritical.

I'm way, way fatter than you, I promise, so I understand everything you just said x a million, except that I can only ever fly anywhere paying $1000 for a first class seat and even then it's a struggle. The issue with your article is that while the conceptual points are all well and good you have to understand that


Right...LA unified spend a billion dollars buying iPads for all their students. It took less than a day for those kids to hack the security systems and start downloading games and going online. Anyone here experienced what it is like to teach when people have iPads or iPhones in their hands? Heck, even professional

Publishers have been producing digital textbooks for several years now. In CA, state adopted curriculum must have digital textbooks as well as regular textbooks. This article seems to be about a private school, where they can require parents to purchase the necessary hardware. It is more difficult in public schools

I been waiting for this article for months now.

Am I the only one who is disappointed Vanity Fair backed down? I couldn't wait to buy the magazine and see what had Gwyneth in such a tizzy. It seemed like there was something that she really didn't want to come out.

Maybe these kind of possessions should be buried with their owner. Future archeologists could speculate whether people in tombs/caskets with more sex toys were of higher status. And it would make open casket funerals more interesting.

He's a shitty artist AND a murderer.

When I was shopping for an outdoor playhouse for my daughter, one of the photos featured a boy and a girl. The boy was sweeping while the girl read a paper. Yeah, you read that paper like Ricky Ricardo, little girl! LIKE A BOSS.

Please please PLEASE tell me they're making "Celery Man: The Movie"!!!!

"I already hated this guy. It is about time you people caught up"-DD

It looks like it fucking stinks. Like a sharp, unpleasant odor that has everyone wrinkling their noses.

This Duck Dynasty stuff reminds me of the Hank Williams Jr. debacle. Monday Night Football was sick of paying him through the nose for singing their promos every week, and then they suddenly discovered the fact that he's a big dumb hick that says offensive things. I don't think A&E engineered it the same way Fox

The thing about the Duck Dynasty crew is that it's all a put on. The family was your run-of-the-mill millionaire whitebread family where dad had developed and sold and marketed a very successful duck call. They put on this act specifically for this show and it's about as real as a three dollar bill. The beards, the

I recently became vegetarian, mainly for health reasons (a GI disease that meat apparently exacerbates). But I can't deny it feels good to finally know that I'm not eating slaughtered intelligent beings anymore. And I know that sounds smug, but it really is something I've struggled with on my conscience for a long