
Chihuahuas are small, cute (I guess), and also extremely annoying, high-maintenance, and bitey. Who could have foreseen this?!

I don't know about the demand for chi's in NYC - the stats you cite for their surrender at AC&C are disturbing - but this kind of airlift has been done with great success in other states where there was in fact a high demand for chihuahuas and few available. So it isn't a bad program, but perhaps NYC should not have

My husband is in the Army, and I can tell you for a fact, the last thing a woman is doing in the field is putting on makeup. They're not even usually allowed to bring it out there with them, and they're usually lucky if over the course of a week they even get to shower. It's training these men and women what real


This lady lacks reading comprehension. What I read is that pamphlets featuring women should stop being glamour shots and be more realistic. The things he was saying about pretty = incompetent in the eyes of some are not fun to think about but they are true

Er. Speier took that whole dialog about the most wrong way possible, didn't she?

So... You're hiring... but it's a contest sponsored by Netflix that's only open to US residents. You don't even mention what the pay-rate is. Is this another one of those 'free internships' that could lead to 'great opportunities' ?

"Go to Netflix and watch Love Is All You Need, and write an approximately 500-word review."

Have you ever thought about those numbers and how they could possibly continue to be high even after all the backlash and scrutiny? It's because virtually all of the animals they handle are from dire situations and cruelty cases...usually that animal control is too inept to do anything about. Understandably, a lot of

"Never met a vegan I've liked." - You don't know that. Not everyone says they are vegan, which by your definition is a "good" vegan.

Uh, yeah, they put animals in freezers. So do ALL shelters that euthanize animals because people keep going to pet shops and breeders. So do vet clinics. Where do you think they all should go? A cute little pet cemetery? If this angers you, then please never ever let someone you know acquire a companion who doesn't

There is no such thing as humanely slaughtered.

Yes, this was my complaint. MasterChef is about home cooks, a/k/a untrained. This was more like a kids' version of Top Chef, given the astronomical amount of training each kid had obviously received. I "watch" regular MC with a friend from high school (/text constantly while it's on), and we were calling this

Call me Prudie McOlds but holy moly....she's a great dancer but that's way too much for a 10 year old :S

Anyone else really distressed over that song choice? I just can't handle the words "popping pussy" being sung over Stephanie Tanner's stellar dance routine. I think this has retroactively ruined my childhood.

I thought the same thing!!! Short hair comment aside, who thinks Jennifer Lawrence needs to lose 10lbs??? Since when??? I hope this isn't a general male consensus, because if this is the judgement on her, what chance do us mere mortals have? I love her and she is stunning. That's all.

YES! Saw this last year. SO AMAZING. They have mini chickens walk tightropes.

I'VE SEEN THIS SHOW!!! They came to San Francisco about a year or so back, and I bought a Rock Cats shirt which has Tuna on it and a demand for "MORE COWBELL!"

I have seen the Acrocats twice now and am planning to go in December as well. It is amazing and worth it. Always.