
BTW, I meant the bourgeoise, not the proles. I blame the whiskey.

Dear Maggie,

Although more seriously... this is a classic Bannon/Trump move. The reaction was inevitable.

It’s given us what may be peak Biden Meme.

Pence is the perfect poison pill.

I know Trump said he wants to spend most of his time in NYC, but I’m wondering how long that will last. Most New Yorkers held him in contempt before the campaign — now they HAAAAATE him. And it’s only going to get worse as they deal with the logistical issues of keeping him safe as he wanders around Midtown. Plus, the

I wish someone would come up with shithead conversion therapy that could turn people like Pence into normal, caring people. Because unlike being homosexual, being a shithead is a choice.

Going to see Hamilton is “trying to engage”?? I hope every time Pence says or does something dumb someone Tweets Itzkoff with “hey, but he went to Hamilton! At least he tried!”

Say what you will about Trump ( and please, say bad things), his stroke of super-villain genius was picking this backwards Goodman to be VP, ensuring a crazy, Sofie’s Choice dilemma when calling for his ( Trumps) removal.

Mike Pence is a walking bag of dirt. Fuck him. I hope he is booed everywhere he goes for the rest of his life.

So they shared a bunk. No big deal.

Work advice for everyone with a “cool boss.” You’re friendly, but you aren’t friends.

“Are you a time traveler who sold a dinky streaming service for $6 billion during the tech frenzy and then made super-prudent, diversifying investments before the bubble burst?”

I mean, who doesn’t want to pay $22 million per year for 20 minutes and 8 points in the 64 games Parsons will be healthy for?

Oh well, Cubes will always have Dirk.

The interest in Parsons anymore astounds me. He’s already 28, and its been shown that he would be nothing more than the 4th best player on a championship team. It just blows my mind that he’s been pursued so heavily the past few years by several teams.

Rule 1 of the working world: the person who signs your paycheck is NEVER your friend, and you would be wise to never think otherwise.

Ahh, the white boy bromance, a tragedy as old as time.