

The trick is to injure and cauterize at the same time.

I’ve always thought he might be that arrogant based on how he reads clues that include years eg: “In eighteen hundred forty two...”, so I’m glad to see confirmation. Also, my dad always has joked that he seems to get especially irritated when someone misses a question relating to Canada.

I was on Jepoardy a while ago. After my last game I followed Trebek about 15 feet upstage and said, “Alex, I just wanted to say thank you for a great opportunity and let you know how great the staff was in communicating with me, preparing me for the show and keeping everyone comfortable.” He didn’t say a word and

I understand that but it doesn’t at all address the systemic problem of the NFL running an incredibly unsafe sports league while simultaneously chewing up and spitting players out at will with no repercussions.

Not yet...

Yeah, me neither. The staff were great, though, I agree. I was also surprised how low-tech it was behind the scenes; such as LITERALLY drawing names from a hat to see which contestant appears on each day’s show (they tape a week in a day).

The “let’s meet the contestants” segment of the show is regularly cringe worthy, mostly because Alex is a dick to everyone.

I haven’t been on the show, but I did interview him once when he guest starred on the TV show I was working on. Just a big, slimy douche. Like he was perfectly nice to me, but talked and acted like a arrogant asshole with this undercurrent of creepy.

The law school is right.

The real Skip Bayless is locked in a cell several hundred feet underground. There, his cruel captors siphon hot takes from his shattered mind 24 hours a day. Bayless huddles in the corner of his cell, naked but for a rough sackcloth and short length of hempen rope that he uses as a belt because it isn’t long enough to

Just a note: I do therapy in a residential facility for kids with severe behavioral issues who have had brushes with the law. Almost all of them have a history of being abused and many have problematic sexual behavior on their records. Normally at this time of night some of the residents are allowed to sit in the

See Goebels pictured with friends

If there’s nothing else I’ve learned in my life it’s that conservatives do not believe in justice. They will happily politicize any tragedy—- 9/11, rape victims, victims of police brutality—- they will do anything to undermine justice in the name of allegiance to whatever incoherent thought passes for their momentary

Even the most generous among us would have to admit that what really sets him apart from Bannon is that at least Goebbels was a snappy dresser.

Let’s do a little thought experiment and assume that every one of those four women was a victim of sexual assault. The only one with a valid connection to *Hillary* Clinton is Kathy Shelton, whose assailant was represented by Hillary Clinton in a court of law. Clinton was duty-bound by the ethics of her profession and

Immediately following the “press conference,” Trump’s hot mic captured the following audio:

Jesus Christ Trump is fucking garbage. It’s like the Devil got food poisoning from bad sushi and threw up all over and the huge oozing mound of bile and undigested tentacles became sentient and assembled itself into something vaguely human-shaped and the Devil named it “Donald Trump.”

My mother is a severe narcissist and this is exactly what she would do. Narcissists like this cannot let anything go, because they need to win, dominate, and prove themselves “right” Trump would blow up the fucking planet, and thank God he’s having this meltdown before people vote.

Welcome to the first sentence of the first chapter of Edward Gibbon’s inevitable sequel, The Decline and Fall of the United States of America