
I trust his diagnosis over trump’s actual doctor.

Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.

Absolutely relevant. Sometimes I watch people’s bizarre behavior and have to think, well they must be medicated. He tweets all night for fucks sake. He must be pumped up on something.

Nope. Cokeheads make more sense.

I just read this interesting article today about how Hitler (and a lot of Nazis) were utterly dependent upon meth and how seminal battles were only possible due to it. And how Hitler’s “ill health” before he killed himself was likely withdrawal because the drug factories had been bombed. Very interesting!

Trump may very well be a coke user. That’s what I’m hearing. Many, many people are telling me very interesting things about Mr. Trump’s habits. Many very credible people. Super credible people. Without a doubt.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Some candidates get a debate...


That was beautiful! Right up there with Bo Kimble’s left handed free throw for Hank Gathers.

That was Dee Gordon’s first home run of the season. I’m fucking crying, man.

Dee Gordon crossing the plate was one of the most gut punch emotional sports moments I have felt in awhile.

Whenever I hear, “Conversate.”

I spoke to a guy who used to work as a junk removal/clean up guy. He said he got called to a hoarder’s house and he and the man’s nephew were sorting through the stuff. They found boxes and massive stacks of gay porn magazines from the 50s-90s. The nephew seemed pretty surprised and told the guy to keep them or get

Cat pee has an insanely strong smell, I completely believe that it would cover the smell of rotting flesh.


Or a significant other, a friend, another relative? Nobody did a wellness check on this blind woman?

What you don’t see can’t hurt you?

How terribly sad to not have *anyone* miss you. Not a friend or sibling or co-worker. Not even your own mother who thought you moved out and then didn’t worry that you never ever called.