The good news is, he knows there is an open editorial desk for him at The Tennesseean.
The good news is, he knows there is an open editorial desk for him at The Tennesseean.
His apology did include “for those who were offended” so he’s getting good coaching.
People Magazine said that? I thought they’d be more focused on Brad & Angelina’s divorce.
The Venn diagram of people who will bring up the first amendment and censorship at this and people who think Kaepernick should be forced to leave the country is single circle.
He’s not at all bothered by this. Now he can devote more time to his start up video game company.
You say suspended. I say early retirement.
Obligatory. Career-ending violation of Rule 1 for Clevenger.
Not too Cleverenger of him.
He’s a future hall of famer who won two championships and appeared in two others, made 11 all star games, and has earned $166 million in salary alone, not counting endorsements. He’s very smart, very articulate, and has very interesting things to say both about basktball and a wide variety of other subjects. He could…
Totally agree. He’s infuriatingly good (because he’s never played for a team I like) and seems like a genuinely smart and interesting person. I’m sad for him.
Love Bosh’s game and his public persona. I want to see him play again, but damn. Clots are scary.
sad that he has another stent on the bench
The man won’t listen to reason. Every time a doctor tells him his playing days are behind him he buries his head in the sand.
Damn and here I thought he was varicose to making a return.
I’ll repeat whatI said above, have a pet sitter or vet tech clip your cat’s nails so they’re square and much less sharp. Ask your doctor about this but I seem to remember Cornell Vet saying the vast majority (actually they may have said all) of adult toxoplasmosis cases are transmitted via undercooked meat and…
Former veterinary nurse here. I don’t love articles that sensationalize diseases and vilify cats (although I do love the photo). At least without helpful information. This was missing: Have your pet sitter or vet tech clip your cat’s nails. That makes them square and much harder to create a deep wound. Ask your doctor…
Your cat is a vampire.
So you suppose the fact my cat bit me directly in a vein (seriously, there was blood spurting; it was kind of cool but also, not) the other day might be cause for concern? ;)