Amelia Bedelia

Before the internet, we just chain-smoked for the duration.

I don’t see what the issue is here. This is a new subject for many people, something they’ve never been exposed to before or thought much about. And frankly, it is an uncomfortable topic for many, especially older folks. I say it’s a good thing for those who are confused or don’t feel fully confident in their ideas

You gonna insult Darryl Philbin that way?

I think pansexual was created since some people don’t identify as male or female, so basically a term to identify your attraction to non binary/androgynous folks?

A Little Life imprinted on my soul like no other book has ever done. I don’t know how to describe it to people and I hesitate to recommend it because it is so tragic, but it’s also so beautiful and I loved it so much.

Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble. 

OMG yes vision boards, best selves. That is 100% something that would be in the program I went to. But then they kept throwing in the word “authentic,” which completely did not belong in this context. There was nothing authentic about any of it. It was mostly about how to kiss ass to upper management and get noticed

There are people for whom they are not safe. Wood smoke isn’t inherently safe just because it doesn’t have tar or whatever else that a cigarette does (I’ve included two quotations and an article from Scientific American and a report from the gov’t of Alberta below my own commentary). For your neighbours with

Holy fuck these comments...

Jealousy is an ugly thing. 

NoNo! Give it all to independent abortion providers or local or national abortion funds! Indie clinics provide the largest number and percentage of abortions in the United States, and ALL of the providers in Alabama are indie clinics, not Planned Parenthoods! See for more info about

I might buy this if it were still 1988, but 2018 Donald Trump doesn’t have the physical ability to beat anyone. His obese doddering ass has to hold on to the podium for dear life when he has to to stand for longer than 2 minutes and he can’t descend stairs by himself.

“Shit I Bought” is by far my favorite column, and I always flip out a little bit when I see it crop up. It’s been 3 months since the last one! I can only live on old posts for so long.

I quickly read that as HE was dating some hedge fund guy and I was like Yaaasss get it Brad

I will check out Aaptiv, thanks! I loathe going to the gym too. So glad you found something that works well for you, good luck to you too!

If you really think that overweight men are “one of the last safe places to mock and ridicule,” you’ve never spent any time listening to people of colour, queer and trans people, people with disabilities, women, and especially people who fall into multiples of those categories with the addition of fatness.

I know exactly how to stay monogamous in a partially long-distance relationship: Don’t become romantically involved with other people.

It’s a little weird to compare Trump—a man who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault countless times—to a woman who raps about consensual sex and dancing.

She has a problematic boyfriend, there is room for growth in her personal life. Did you read this article or Caity Weaver’s GQ article: It’s strange how sometimes we as women are held accountable for our partner’s short-comings.