Amelia Bedelia

Ugh that is awful - I’m sorry. Ultimately you probably made the right choice. When I was a younger and less reserved lil high schooler I was out in a club with friends in Prague, some of my friends spoke czech but the majority of us didn’t (I was visiting friends that lived there) and this guy was grabbing me and my

Whaaaaat??? How did I not know that. She is even more the worst now that I have connected these two people in my brain.

I really appreciate the never too cool for school thing. For being as famous and as fabulous as she is she just seems *genuinely* excited about everything and I find that lovely.

I was in Charleston and the lightening going along with the eclipse really made it kind of spectacular.

He is basically why I keep watching it.

Ugh I’m sorry. I guess the best you can hope for is that people learn something from it at your university? I went to a really conservative university in undergrad and it wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out some of my old classmates were at the rally.

Oooh right - forgot about that. Thank you internet stranger - you make valid points. I wouldn’t want them to show up in my classes and I would verbally shun them BUT I GUESSSSS the universities shouldn’t carte blanche kick them out.

What about private universities?

The University of Nevada, Reno where Peter Cvjetanovic, our very own modern day Hazel Bryan, attends has this in their student code of conduct:

I’d say marching with torches and militias is violent? But yes, I do agree that education would do them some good. I go back and forth with this. I 100% would not want them in my classes but do they deserve to be kicked out of school?

Good! A lot of these guys (and women - but I don’t think any women were doxxed yet) were students. If I found out one of them was at my university I would be insisting these violent fucks be removed from my classes.

I’m so jealous. I desperately want to grow up and be a filthy rich vampire like Salma Hayek!

The Glynn County Dems are having a fundraiser tonight! I already liked their page and am sort of involved. I don’t actually live down here (unfortunately) my parents do - I just visit as often as possible. They are both extremely involved in Glynn County stuff and every time I visit I get to meet more awesome

That’s incredibly dismissive of the awesome progressives in his district. There are people fighting against this bullshit with all their time and money and your comments aren’t helping anyone.

Are you talking about Lisa Ring? I don’t know a ton about her yet but my Aunt lives in Savannah and she seems pretty optimistic about her.

I was at that town hall! I was horrified by the applause people gave him after he told him to “get a job” too. It was a really upsetting incident. I’m jealous/horrified (i don’t know) that you got to go to all of them. If I had been at this one I probably wouldn’t have been able to control myself. It’s clear he hates

I don’t understand how there are so many. It seems like such a high number of just famous people. It’s really bizarre.

That would be a great app. I would def download it - keep track of all the fucking perverts working in media so I don’t have to contribute any money to them. As a consumer you have so little power but I can damn sure not spend 10 dollars to go see your movie or give your song iTunes plays.

As someone who is starting grad school in a month and who wants to get vvvvv slutty (it’s been a while) I find this news upsetting.

I have stayed in apartments with people - but I only stay with female hosts. It makes me feel a lot more comfortable.