“My brother has autism.”
“My brother has autism.”
Right because “The family had tried many kinds of psychiatric treatment and Noa Pothoven was repeatedly hospitalised;” - sure sounds like she was just being ignored. Troll.
There’s one really good, foolproof way to ensure that strangers don’t overfeed your cat with inappropriate food.
I am lucky to have the worlds largest Costco near my house and even if I am going for one thing it is always fun to see what is new there for next time. Plus you never know when you need to make an impulse by of 25 gallon jar of peanut butter, something you cannot do online.
I was a virgin until 28. I was occasionally lonely; frequently confused as to why I couldn’t get a girlfriend; but not once did I ever think women were the problem. How fucking crazy must you be to think that every woman in the world is the problem, not... you, the one common denominator to all your issues?
Jenny Trout is currently sporking this (as she did with 50 Shades). It has been pointed out that the story is a ripoff of Poldark.
LOL you made an account to say that?
Nah it’s pretty funny
congratulations on having the worst X Men power
Good piece. I’ve found most reviewers coming from “the city” tend not to know much about food beyond a few trends and smattering of buzzwords. For these “writers” the piece is about them and their ego, not the food.
Someone has a little... hang-up about the sex it seems.
Wow sometimes I forget how much people really hate sex workers and then I come to Jezebel and I’m reminded!
I’m not sure why you are assuming that conversation hadn’t been had at the forefront.
Oh my fucking god, it’s SEX. Stop being like that. Half of that school is probably having sex, STOP BEING LIKE THIS.
Every time I see an article asking WHY IS THE US BIRTHRATE SO LOW???! I resist the urge to comment by just linking to another one the same websites articles discussing the shrinking middle class and the stagnant wages. It drives me CRAZY.
The Wilma is awesome! It doesn’t show many movies these days, mostly music performances and a few documentaries during film festivals.
Please settle a debate: Is Back to the Future a sci-fi movie?
I’ve mounted a TV before
Why the fuck does anybody have kids? It seems like the *best* parts of parenting are sheer drudgery, and the baseline is terror, exhaustion, misery, and self-loathing.
But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus.