
Amy Adams might win not just for her work this year, but as a consolation prize for not even being nominated for Arrival. She was brilliant in that film, and in my opinion was fucking robbed of an Oscar.

Joining the new Gawker should be viewed as the media equivalent of crossing a picket line.

Wait, are you implying that the Mormons might not have the best history when it comes to race?

But when they submitted the obituary—which would cost the family $1,684 to publish—to their local newspaper, the Louisville Courier-Journal...

So are these technically “Dirty Sanchez” texts?

Park City is actually super liberal lol. It barely belongs in Utah.

What a bad take

Yes! Dumplin’ is so good. Netflix did a fabulous job with the adaptation, and the book is even better if you can believe it.


It’s good and right to be mean to rich assholes.

What’s annoying is that all these assholes have been criming it up for years, if not decades, and no one gave a shit until they won the election.

I love my Instant Pot. I use it for Instant Pot appropriate things. The people who drag that ginormous thing out for boiled eggs that you can make in an electric kettle in the same time it takes to set up the Instant Pot are certified nutballs.

Jezebel recently ran a piece arguing that tea “sucks.”

Since my response to the other article was “fuck off” I guess to this one I say: Fuck on

Life’s more fun if you’re a heathen like me and drink tea, espresso, and coffee, occasionally even two at a time. The only tea discourse that matters is how you feel about tea with milk.

That was my first screenshot. It’s a rubbish picture now but I was blown away by the find.

“Our in-flight dinner was either steak or fish.”

What’s the confusion? The ‘weird thing’ on that giant ass is just a black coat.

it’s breakfast, eaten at breakfast time, in my room; because i dont want to be around people in the morning.

fuck you.