
Dear neighbors from the south, how did you end up electing this guy instead of someone like Bernie Sanders? Was the later one too socialist or something?

To be honest, I don’t know in wich world Trump lives. Studies tend to show there’s no link between violent games and real world violence. I’ve been playing Unreal tournament, a game with a huge amount of blood and gore, back when I was 5. I also played Dynasty warriors, a game where you’re invited to kill thousands of

People that follow tech?

Quick charge 3.0, the perfect way ro ruin your battery in no time! Can’t find anything “better” on the market. Buy a AUKEY Power Strip today and get a one inch usb cable FREE!

Quick charge 3.0, the perfect way ro ruin your battery in no time! Can’t find anything “better” on the market. Buy a

“I think rose gold is the best thing that has ever happened to tech.”

Now playing

with DDR4 being the best yet for consumer computers (and an upgrade over DDR3)—it has faster clock speeds, lower power draw, and...

I know the difference. One of them is a man, the other...a woman.

Don’t thank me for being such a genius.

“Today, people know Uber as a bloated, embattled, and probably evil transportation company”

Same thing goes for cabs

The R7 line-up isn’t really aimed for gamers as games pretty much don’t use 8 cores and 16 threads. They’re actually more suited for people who actually do a lot of multi-threading, since it’s the point of having so many cores. As a gamer, I’d rather wait for the R5 1600x, half the price of the R7 1800x for only 2

Recipes often say that it may vary, or even the exact temperature at wich it’ll take the so called 5-10 minutes.

Same thing for switching from Intel to Intel. For example, with my current i5-2320, if I want to buy, let’s say, an i7-6700k, I’ll still have to change MB because of the socket. Same thing for AMD. One would be extremely idiot ifhe has a i7-6700k and wants to change for a i7-7700k. Yes, he wouldn’t have to change MB,

I would probably go see that movie even if it’s a LEGO movie. The problem comes from the fact (based on a trailer I saw) that it’s a comedic music movie when I think it should be a suspense movie or something like that.

Totally agree, I understand that people don’t necessarily have the knowledge or the ease with hardware, but come on...

The IT guy wants to see how the computer reacts, he doesn’t necessarily think it’ll fix the problem

Exactly, if there’s no interest, there won’t be any kind of hacking, you know. The admins actually are quite brilliant ;)

It’s entirely the driver’s fault for using his cellphone while he’s driving. The exact same end would’ve happened if the guy was using an Android app.

This could be a mod for a Total War game

It’s not the OS that’s the problem (to me at the very least). It’s the fact that you basically can’t upgrade a Mac machine, unlike the rest wich are far more modular

You know that America is a continent, not a country. The United states of America IS a country