
Dear neighbors from the south, how did you end up electing this guy instead of someone like Bernie Sanders? Was the later one too socialist or something?

To be honest, I don’t know in wich world Trump lives. Studies tend to show there’s no link between violent games and real world violence. I’ve been playing Unreal tournament, a game with a huge amount of blood and gore, back when I was 5. I also played Dynasty warriors, a game where you’re invited to kill thousands of

Quick charge 3.0, the perfect way ro ruin your battery in no time! Can’t find anything “better” on the market. Buy a AUKEY Power Strip today and get a one inch usb cable FREE!

Quick charge 3.0, the perfect way ro ruin your battery in no time! Can’t find anything “better” on the market. Buy a

I know the difference. One of them is a man, the other...a woman.

Don’t thank me for being such a genius.

It’s entirely the driver’s fault for using his cellphone while he’s driving. The exact same end would’ve happened if the guy was using an Android app.

The PS4 will probably be my last big Sony product (big Sony product = consoles, phones, tablets etc.) for a few reasons:

1. The PSN price increase

2. A friend told me once he simply droped his Sony phone (Xperia, most likely) by mistake and the screen broke.

3. No DX 12 (I know, there still is Vulkan).

4. Network