
the series highpoint Skyfall

Much like Star Trek, every other Bond seems to be a bit of a letdown

I’ve been playing some games on Easy difficulty lately, otherwise I would never play them because there’s enough games I don’t have the time for something that takes a lot to get through.

forget the knife fight, are they keeping the giant Ramon Salazar mech that chases Leon through a moat???

As a now-inexperienced SF player (my last SF was Third Strike) I think I agree. This sounds like a special move that inexperienced or lesser players probably wouldn’t necessarily think to use, and when they do it would be less effective or strategic than if it were used by an experienced player. I think I agree with

I thought I’d comment, just for the halibut.

Too late, I’m hooked.

Bass?  I was hoping this was a cod piece.

But, he did serve a porpoise here!

What a crappie line.

Oh, get off your high perch.  It’s not like we haven’t seen this carp before.

Weighty issue, for sure.

Please, nobody take the bait on this....

No. You’re opening up a whole can or worms here and you dolphinitely need to do betta.

Scale back the puns!

But... how will men who don’t cheat on their wives, or change a diaper, get recognized or applauded?

It’s truly hard for me to imagine looking at a world full of busy people going about their lives and think that something’s wrong with them because they’re not paying more attention to me.

You’re watching "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong"

Should have called it “Yakuza -1"

Can you imagine a remake where The End is constantly trying to pick you off during the entire mission?