I thought that being too tired for games was impossible, until I fell asleep playing Marvel Spider Man - while watching a cutscene... But still!
I thought that being too tired for games was impossible, until I fell asleep playing Marvel Spider Man - while watching a cutscene... But still!
Loved this game, the gameplay, sound effects, Pulp dialogue, music, graphics and short campaign - works for it, not against it.
Tails was just an example without too much thought.
I'm not big on Sonic backstory but why not have Tails fill in the role of the one that knows about the rings and the portals they open?
It always baffles me that they’d rather create a new character, than use one of the many characters from the sonic video-games and make the world of the movie more familiar to those that know the games.
This is going to be the next Alita: battle angel. Eventually it will come out, underwhelmed at the box office, probably enjoyable and forgettable in the same measure.
If you are referring to the manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki about a teenager who gets a body snatching alien attached to his hand, then no. That manga and this movie share no relation.
For me it’s a tie between Resident Evil 4 and more recently Bloodborne.
Well it is influential if we consider that it’s “everything, plusthe kitchen sink” approach made Capcom soft reboot the franchise with resident evil 7 and start remaking 2 and 3:)
This just made me cry... And also made my day. Basically it made my cryday.
I’m going to try to finish spider-man’s main story line.
The Witcher 3, Bloodborne and Nier: Automata. All great games, but time is really tight. I will do it!!
Yes he did, and fast enough to bridge the distance, if you did not start running as soon as you heard a door close and his spine tingling “Starss”.
Much love to Binary Domain. The A. I. partners were quite competent, the shooting was fun and the robotic enemies cool to look at and shoot apart. Headshots would tear robots’ heads off and make them shoot at its peers.
I think so, since the footage at the beginning is mostly from resident evil 2 remake.
If they remake CV, then all the main games - except 0, the remake of the first game and 7- will have modern, over the shoulder shooting. I don’t really see the point of a remake of 4, since it still controls quite well today - even if movement is stiffer than 5 or 6.
Looks good and comes out in a blink of an eye! If it is as good as 2, albeit a bit more action packed, it will be another hit for Capcom. Really excited for this!
Ah Vanquish, I love that game so much. Short, intense and cool as hell. Never could finish the last trial mission to get the platinum, though.
Press X to resurrect after the third day...
6 just gave us more of resi 5 and nothing of previous games. I guess they wanted to give us a greatest hits game by having 4 different campaigns. However they played very similarly and only the start of Leon’s had a different vibe - closer to the original 3.