
If a prank call gets a person killed by police officers, I'd be more concerned with the local law enforcement then whoever put in the call. And no, making prank calls isn't anywhere near the same level of pedophilia. Let's not get carried away here.

It depends really. The matter isn't serious, in the grand scheme of things. Yes, a lot of people were inconvenienced and Jordan probably got the scare of his lifetime, but if the call was placed internationally, you'd have to cross a lot of jurisdictions to get to him, then convince thee local government that the

I'm not familiar with the policing policies or how foreign affairs between Turkey and the States are, but the two have an existing extradition so the legal obstacles wouldn't be as difficult. But if the person lived somewhere like Russia, who has animosity with the US and no existing extradition treaty, what would

How realistic would this be if say the person making the call was from another country? At what point would the expenditure of resource be too much to catch what is presumably just a stupid kid on the other side of the world? Don't get me wrong, I in no way condone what was done and agree that the perpetrator should