
This morning I read an ESPN article about Coach K feeling embarrassed by H2, to which I agreed. And then I read the comments section, because I hate myself.


Eric, you can be my wingman any day.

Wow! I had no idea it was that bad!
I live in that leeeeetle tiiiiiny purple spot on the Southern Tennessee border.

Monopolies and infrastructure (it’s cheaper to cover Japan’s surface area). If the monopolies were broken, the infrastructure would be fixable, but it won’t be fixable as long as the monopoly isn’t pressured to.

It would be like requiring that the person who built your house own a set of keys to your home, and have a special door that only they can get into.

Why cant we criminalize congress? It would solve most of the united states problems.

A car that costs over twice what I can afford to spend for a car?

This is why Waze wins...