
I can still recall, with horrendous accuracy, realizing I’d bled through my tampon and pad somehow in high school French class. Enough that I was fairly certain it managed to get on my chair. I was essentially sobbing as the class ended, and had to inch along the wall of my high school with my back turned until I

I don’t have sleep paralysis, but I do get awful night terrors. The kind that hit maybe a half hour into my sleeping that have left me screaming my head off for no reason. I’ve been told I’ve gotten out of bed before and have been pointing to something in the corner of the room. I’ve also had some terrors I pull

I read the original article, the long-form one, on Christine’s death. It painted such an odd picture. It made me sad for her that her family had basically accepted that suicide would probably be the way she’d go. I’m really curious to see both these movies. I’d only heard of this event a little bit before. Depression

Am ashamed to live a few counties away from Beaver. I’m shocked so many people turned out for this. Then again, some of my extended family in Somerset are allegedly voting for him. Lord help us all.

I’m in PT for pelvic floor therapy and adhesions. I know all about that internal massage. It’s awkward every time. My PT wants me to buy a TheraWand. I haven’t worked up the courage to do it yet.

I had a math course I needed for my major and couldn't pass the placement test, since I was forced to take it my junior year of college with no calculator. Landed in an online summer college algebra class at a local community college. Snuck by with a D and it ended up being Pass Fail. Worst summer of my life.

My 28 yo boyfriend has an epi-pen he keeps on-hand for his deathly peanut / tree nut allergy. He also developed a mild shellfish allergy within the last two years. I know for a fact he doesn’t always get a new epi when his expires because it’s so fucking expensive.

Seriously. Bravo. I loved every fucking word of this. Jeah I did.

Started listening to that podcast on recommendation from a friend. Adore it. I'm a woman.

Honestly how dare you. Chicken salad croissants are the bomb.

This looks amazing. I hate owning Macs. God damn it.

I fucking hate the Minions. Why are they everywhere? They didn't need 1,000 spin offs. Enjoyed them enough in Despicable Me but they should've only existed within that franchise, only.

Mowing down innocent people accomplishes nothing. I don’t understand the senseless need some people in this world have to murder. What point is this proving? That some psycho can get in a fucking semi and drive it at people without a care? I'm sick and tired of the world as it stands right now. This is making me

I'm going in December. I've been consistently shocked every time a new cast member drops. Blah.

Life doesn't discriminate.

Unsure why everyone’s doing one of those “here’s some praise for your article, but” ...

Do you mean Liam Payne? Harold’s attached to Louis...

Donnie Darko did this song better! But still. This trailer grabbed me so. Well done.

There’s a yinzer sentence for you! Git aht of town, Wendy!

Been to a few parties with a drunk Sally Wiggin in attendance. She's hilarious. This Wendy Bell thing is gross. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse. Yikes.