
But was the Planned Parenthood pink dress Clinton wore at the Catholic dinner shade? I like to think it is.

I feel so sorry for women with unsuccessful epidurals. My birth experience was terrible (pitocin induction is no joke) until I got it!!

Gaga’s answer is totally legit: they are very different kinds of pop stars. Gaga is an actual musician and Madonna is a performer/entertainer. Gaga writes her own stuff while Madonna dances her butt off. People have opinions about whether one approach is more legit than the other (if either) just like they have

As a professional musician who has spent half of my life in a practice room learning how to actually play, it always chaps my ass when glorified karaoke singers call themselves musicians. And great, now I sound like Simon Cowell before I’ve even had my coffee.

I personally find being able to play an instrument to be completely non essential to being a great pop star. Like, Beyonce is a better pop star than Gaga despite never having a song with herself as the only songwriting credit. I mean, a session musician could do what Gaga does.

I definetly see why people compare the two, I think Gaga is the “real musician” version of Madonna. Some of he songs are verrrry similar and the irony is that it’s the songs people don’t seem to like which just shows people like Lady Gaga best when she sounds like Lady Gaga.

i swear, when its my time, im not telling anyone the sex because i refuse to outfit my baby in the awful pink and blue ish all over the place.

Ugh, I’m 20 weeks pregnant today, I break into hives whenever I start to research strollers, car seats, etc. We’re going to get a lot of hand-me-downs, but some stuff we’re going to have to shell out for. I HATE feeling like we are being shaken down for all our money by an industry that also insists on these cutesy,

Counterpoint: he has to carry 150 lbs of dead weight around the dance floor. A former exotic dancer who can’t dance. That can get you over the edge eventually.

You aren’t alone. Hate it.

I felt like they were eating Michael K’s (of dlisted) bread-and-butter here.

I agree that the Stila Stay All Day liner is by far the best formula, but I think the Kat von D Tattoo liner has a superior applicator. After awhile the Stila felt tip starts to fray, and the KvD never does that since it’s plastic.

I agree that the Stila Stay All Day liner is by far the best formula, but I think the Kat von D Tattoo liner has a

I have two to nominate. One is less expensive so we’ll start with that first:

I have two to nominate. One is less expensive so we’ll start with that first:

Is she though?

Grindhouse and Sin City and he’s just a well known pig so pretty good guess.

Same. This why I get so upset when people (usually republican men) say stupid things about rape and assault. I think “if only they knew all of the women in their lives who have been attacked.” But of course that is optimistic. Even if the women in their lives trusted them enough to tell them, the men would dismiss

nah it’s nothin creepy like that...she just seems more asexual to me.


We need to have a serious conversation about consent in this country, because too many people just don’t get it. And that is completely inexcusable.

I absolutely agree that this investigator and anyone else who got on camera and accused this man of killing his little sister when they were children should be sued.