
She’s feeling relieved and guilty all at the same time. But also fearful he’s going to get away with it or get off too lightly.

Obviously it goes without saying, but the “never knew I could feel like this” by (presumably) the killer is particularly icky.

Or she’s actually telling the truth in the moment. Good, stable marriages still fall apart sometimes.


I’ve been a big Bourdain fan since The late 90's but I imagine that making love to him would be like fucking an 8 month air dried Parma ham that reeked of cigarettes and vodka

Starred because of Some Billionaire. I am a big Mariah stan and cant even remember his name

Shut the fuck up, moron.

pretty good skater who became a pretty good actor ditched scientology

My grandmother can leave me wondering sometimes if I was burned, or if my sister was straight up insulted. “Why don’t you wear the other dress? It helped your sister look thin.” It’s like she’s got to get in a twofer.

I was gonna say to Olivia, nobody even gave me their seat while I was actually in labor. So I sat on the floor because fuck everything, that’s why.

That’s clearly Digimon.

she was just saying that someone describing her as “oriental” doesn’t offend her. i’m on the same boat. it doesn’t offend me unless someone is trying to be derogatory but it’s such an old word. nobody even uses it.

I don’t know how to embed things but this one cracked me up.

Remember back in the 90s when Howard Stern’s movie came out and for like six months, people were saying, “okay, he’s crass, but at least he really loves and is devoted to his wife and it’s just an act...” and then he dropped his wife like a hot potato and started dating the sleaziest women he could find, proving that

Ahem, that’s nice, but *I* will be voting for substance.

I didn’t read the books, but I didn’t know the movie was supposed to be based on a true story so I didn’t understand the collective indignity when the scandal broke. Anyway, with a story like that, who wouldn’t use a pseudonym?! And I just assume that at least half of what is written in a memoir is untrue. Memories

A few years ago I got to live my dream: sucking off one man while my (now ex) boyfriend banged me from behind. It was indeed everything I’d ever wished for. GOD. Yes.

Every time I see a picture of Bella it just makes me think about how much better I’d look with just a few tweaks from a good surgeon...