
People who worry about spoilers and still read past the spoiler alert deserve their own suicide montage.

Deadpool Can Fuck Right Off - A Totally Objective Review By Shawn Cooke. Totally Objective, You Guys.

I mostly agree, however, from an organizational standpoint, the schism mattered. Would Wanda and Vision have been where they were, resulting in such physical wounding of Vision that seemingly depowered him for the rest of the movie?

Matthew - I recognize what you’re trying to do here, but please, stop.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

“We have Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in the same movie....but a movie with a giant ant playing drums is still going to make more money than Justice League. What did we do wrong?” cried many Warner Brother executives.

Holy crap. It actually looks like Larry Fishburne is enjoying being in a superhero movie. Weird.

You are correct. I did find the quote I mis-referenced:

One last mission for the OG Avengers.

I feel like this whole thread should be this:

the true villian of IW: peter quill...

THANK YOU for being as vague as humanly possible to avoid spoiling this movie.

** Spoiler Alert **

I still think he may be working on a way to transfer consciousness from human to host, and that will be William’s reward if he succeeds. How you ask? Well those drone hosts looked pretty advanced; robots making robots...

I’m gonna have to respectively disagree with you on that one. I dug that one, but the DC line made me chuckle quite a bit. Especially at the thought of the shit storm that one line will probably start in some forums. :p

“You sure you’re not from the DC universe?”

Also the way they slowed it down in different ways for both full length trailers just hit the feels. Besides it being the Russo’s directing it and everyone being on board, it’s little things like that that don’t make me worry about this movie being anything other than great.

Confirmed - the Bluth Banana stand is the last Infinity Stone