Yeah you really have to watch the show to get the context. It’s pretty dark but he makes a lot of fantastic points and I found myself laughing at most of it.
Yeah you really have to watch the show to get the context. It’s pretty dark but he makes a lot of fantastic points and I found myself laughing at most of it.
Did you watch the specials?
The Rivals of Aether dev(s) is obviously a hockey fan... Forsburn and Zetterburn :P
I found this used at a local hock shop about a year ago (the DS version, I mean) and picked it up (based on your recommendation, actually! ^_^) And I really, really, really tried to get into it but something about it just wasn’t clicking with me.
I guess that means it is time for me to finally watch it.
You look like you really GOTTA GO FAST
My biggest question from all of this is who gives a shit what some random game streamer pseudo-celebrity thinks of any of this.
Alternating between Heroes of the Storm and Final Fantasy XIV as either becomes tedious. Just like every day.
This is still coming out for PC, right?!?
Yeah but even DA:O had some seriously fucking difficult battles on Normal difficulty... All stemming from that Infinity-inspired engine.
I’m 30 and mine is 3 and that’s because I’m awful at making people like me.
Also; 3 long term partners, three sexings. So I guess I’m cool with that. Was in a relationship through the entirety of college. I feel like my number might’ve been higher if not for that.
Oh well. It is what it is. At least it’s not 0?
She also says she’s conflicted, as he likes to play weapons, but she knows she’s not allowed to.
Zero sympathy for camwhores.
I feel like you didn’t even read THIS whole article, let alone the original.
Cheating ‘yourself’, I guess is the point I was trying to make. Like how he rolls the permadeath mode of FE but then will reload a save if anyone dies.
Why... why would you do such a thing, if not to tout that you beat the permadeath mode, and probably without anyone dying?
Cheating was the wrong word. Perhaps I…
I don’t know. I’m from the NES school of hard gaming knocks. Back then, you had a set number of lives and if you didn’t complete the entire game it was back to square one for you.
The only difference now is that games are longer. But even games like XCOM allow you to restart a mission vs go back a minute or two to save…
I don’t like Taylor’s music or public personae at all; but I have to admit she’s handled all of the Kanye bullshit with nothing but class.
Kudos to her, and her godawful music.
I think this is what angers me the most about people not willing to shell out even 20 bucks for a game. A good meal for one person is more than that (or Taco Bell, lol) and lasts you all of 20 minutes.
People are getting so jaded with game prices.
You can have a bulletproof template for what constitutes abuse but that doesn’t necessarily mean that these women weren’t lying. That’s the question here.
The whole thing reeks of awful people in general.