tfw i’ll never find a nice girl who likes to cosplay
tfw i’ll never find a nice girl who likes to cosplay
I don’t agree with everything you said; but I mean the whole ‘don’t follow her on instagram’ argument is moot when I don’t follow her on anything and yet see her come up on my news feed or on a kinja site or a billboard or what have you.
One could argue that putting herself out half-naked like that is, in some deeper…
The ‘Bladder of Steel’ cheevos in the Rock Band series are quite the challenge; finishing the Endless Setlist (ALL OF THE ON-DISC TRACKS!) without pausing at all (the joke being, no bathroom breaks).
Grinding out (begrudgingly, at this point) dailies in FFXIV.
Satellite Reign outside of that. Really like it so far (only a couple hours in)
Well that’s just it, isn’t it. Warriors is supposed to be an amusing diversion from the series.
It’s not so much any kind of pseudo-feminist angle I’m taking on this though; when I said insulting I was more so commenting on how lazy this approach is.
I think the idea of ‘Linkle’ is cute. And I’m cool with Link being female or whatever. But what bothers me is this weird limbo that the character is sitting in. I…
She IS just a girl version of Link, though. I mean, possible incarnation of the hero’s bloodline? Visually similar to link, LINKle.
The whole point of the character is to have a female avatar to take the place of Link. Don’t try to paint her as more than that, since she’s not.
People have always been so fucking hard on TB; I used to catch him all the time back when I was into SC2 (Like, shit... 2010) and on TeamLiquid people would just cut him up for not being an ex-pro and that he would dare to cast their sacred game.
Kanai’s cube gives you passive abilities from any legendary you extract them from via the cube. How could you not mention like the single most important thing that it does?
My how the times have cheapened us. It’s worth at least $20; probably more.
It’s no worse than the buzzed sidecut Skrillex haircut that so many young ladies are repping these days.
How’s he a misogynist?
You know, Mr. Grayson; you were never one of the readers I followed with the fevered passion that I do some of my favorite Kotaku superstars (I cry into my LeJacq silkscreen pillow almost nightly), but ever since I read your top games of 2015 article I’ve decided that you’re someone I need to pay attention to.
I don’t agree with the ‘game boosters’. That said, I’m super excited for the port. This is my favorite PS1 FF and I’m gonna play the hell out of it.
What exactly is hopping around half-naked, synchronously, worth anyway?
Glad you’re enjoying FFXIV. I too consider it to basically be the best Final Fantasy since the glory years.
There’s so much content, too; the fact that you can run every class on one character has kept me so busy.
Wow, MC can actually sing.
Always loved him, way back in his unbeatable GSL winning days.
I may take a lot of shit for this but I’m disappointed that FF7 is a ‘re-imagining’. I just wanted a beautiful looking recreation of the original.