
So... FFXIV: ARR’s PVP system, then. Way to innovate, Blizz! :D

It’s because s/he is a Manakete; the lore goes that they spend more time in Dragon form than human - so the clothes are mostly for show.

Get Tetris DS. It’s perfection.

I can forgive the sprites; whatever. As much as I’d just love an outright SNES port (honestly why the fuck won’t you just do that square seriously why) it is the horrendous text boxes and font that turn me right off.

It makes the greatest RPG of all time look like it was made in RPGMaker. And that is unforgivable.

Anyone who complains about a $40 Blizzard game is either stupid or completely ignorant.

Let me just say; I love your articles. Especially on HotS. I’m glad you’re passionate about it, too.

That review panel was perfect <3


Yep, that must be it. I must be awful.

I don’t PvP; I’m thinking more in terms of boss encounters. They feel much more frantic and fast-paced than anything I’ve dealt with in WoW.

With regards to PvP, I wouldn’t know.

I’ve played both and FF14’s combat is definitely more fast-paced than WoW.

And, if there had been a man in her position, telling me I couldn’t have my baby there, it’s likely that the organizer would have said I should have told him to fuck off.

Totally read that in the most stereotypically Swedish voice.

Toriyama outright said that SSJ2 doesn’t actually exist. He skipped right over it by accident.

Can you buy the game again? I remember reading about it months ago but the store had just... gone down.

Yeah. All I wanted was score duel back. I’m one of those Score Hero types; and the competition/leaderboard was everything to me in GH/RB1/RB2.

It’s not like it’d even be hard to implement.

Oof that freeform guitar solo mode sounds godawful. Did every song you try with the feature enabled turn out that way? Gross.

Honestly I’m doing what I should’ve done last gen and waiting for a couple of years before grabbing a console. They’ll be cheaper, have more storage and a better library.

$429.99 is way too high for a console.

I came in here to call her ‘stupid’ just like the interviewer, based on the headline. Then I read her rad comments in that last quote.

Awesome. Never thought I’d be proud of Nicki Minaj.

“I’m actually not a huge Star Wars fan”