
The Jewish response to antisemitism is complex and nuanced because it is the product of thousands of years of oppression and discrimination, and you should not presume to think how Jews would respond....

So they went to the trouble of writing a whole episode about the well known fact that “there is NEVER an OK time to do blackface, it’s always racist” and used that as a time to do blackface?

It’s extra depressing to see the logical gymnastics some people are willing to perform to defend a blackface joke.

to the oppressors, equality feels like oppression. 

That’s kind of the point. Dwight’s whole thing is that his heritage is a ridiculous isolationist mishmash that he embraced because he wanted to. He’s a Pennsylvania Redneck Edgelord. His siblings all prove that it’s not his real heritage at all, and that he magnifies tiny parts of it to feel ‘unique.’ 

so many  of these fuckers want  a war and all we’re  asking for is justice and equality

The amount of people acting as if their life is ruined and America is crumbling purely because some mediocre TV shows removed episodes is alarming. It’s one thing to know how much people over-identify with media because their lives lack any true meaning, it’s another thing to see people talking about “crying for

I have to say, it is Knocking Me Out how many shows are having to do this. I never watched a lot of them, including The Office, but looking back there have been several occasions where I’ve found myself thinking, ‘wait, so if it’s satire it’s okay or something...?’. It’s a very strange and specific kind of gaslighting.

I’m at the point, where it’s easier to just assume all White people have done Blackface. The onus is now on White people to prove they’ve never wore Blackface. I’m going to save my shock for White people who don’t wear Blackface:)

I believe that they are saying that, even so, it is totally unacceptable. Imagine had they used the ‘n-word,’ or displayed a Jewish prisoner in concentration camp clothing with a yellow star as ‘satire.’ It would be unacceptably shocking. Unfortunately, this society has become somewhat inured to blackface due to its

I appreciate the recommendation, but I’m not watching his show.

Americans are pretty awful to us, too, but here’s a good primer on why overt transphobia is more publicly acceptable among those who’d consider themselves politically left of center in the U.K. than it is over here.

Thank goodness she did that so it could completely exonerate this dude from his own publicly exposed, shitty acts of abuse! Phew! Chris owes her one.

I have given birth to none. I have fostered seven in my home. I have financially supported two Africans throughout their childhood. I am auntie to none by blood, I am auntie to at least 10 otherwise. I have pics of Japanese, Ethiopian and Caucasian kids on my mantel right now. But I take great care NOT to elevate

Rossi allegedly wrote to D’Elia, ‘I’m 21 now and [down to f***].’ His reps say D’Elia didn’t respond to her.”

Speaking as someone who’s Jewish (and who’s even criticized some casting of non-Jewish actors — see Mrs. Maizel), I won’t pretend these are equivalent.

Which is why their move is completely shallow. Nothing in their management indicates that anything will change, like the thinking behind why they cast her in the first place. Completely unimpressed with all this news coming out of the entertainment industry.

Definitely. And the creator even addressed having a white actor voice the character before the show even aired. you didn’t have to move forward with that. You knew it was an issue and you just kept on trucking.

Another Karen-faced clown barking unintelligently for racism and late stage capitalism.

The diaper kids are up to their old shenanigans.