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    It’s literally not a spoiler. He’s like, “guys I need to go for a bit” and he does.

    I used the shit out of Megalixirs in FF15. Because a) I needed them; and b) They seemed to be in somewhat abundant supply.

    I don’t know when it happened but sometime in the last decade I finally said “fuck it” and started using everything games gave me. And on an unrelated note I totally open all Amiibos I get and

    Now playing

    Love Tom Waits. So, so much. He really managed to stand out amongst the Dylan wannabes so well in the folk boom.

    I just finished FF15 last night; how in the hell is it not on this list? What a great game!

    This is good advice. I’ve recently been playing a lot of vanilla WoW and I’ve come to notice that I literally only know how to navigate via the minimap. If I try to navigate without it, then I’m lost.

    I’m gonna pass on the switch for a while (it’ll inevitably get some sort of improved version) and just get this for the Wii U. You may consider that route?

    No, I meant Puppey.

    Now playing

    Puppey is such a beast, even if he hasn’t really had a team that worked as well for him as Na’vi did in their prime.

    A lot of vanilla WoW. On a certain unnamed private server.

    My WiiU hungers for this game. I absolutely cannot wait.

    They’re making a 3 on 3 eSports-looking title right now; though the name of it escapes me.

    When did people start considering Pewdiepie to be a comedian?

    Now can we have it in English? In NA!? T_T

    Is it really going to be episodic? I’m so saddened by this whole project.

    I always said how much I wanted that; I actually enjoyed the FFIV remake on 3DS and would love FFVI in the same vein.

    Eh; I can’t think of many jobs where you’re allowed to just bail on the work because you don’t like the customer.

    Hard to feel sympathy, here.

    Another streamer is a lady now. This isn’t exactly worth reporting anymore.

    Vanilla WoW! Playing on Kronos II until the Nost relaunch on Elysium :D