Sarah Mayfly

Except the Librarian is older then Warehouse 13….

Good, more for me. :p

Lol, I love it how people think macho talk is cool instead of just really really sad.

Thankfully for me, he gets to punch back which is what I like to see. ;3 Also I smell jelousy there. Girls like him so of course guys have to bash him. Lol. I think he is awesome looking. But thats not what I like about him. Looks are actually not importand. I like how nice he is to his fans. (The leverage team

I wasn't (many where not) but not because of Lorn. I forgive him. He was being a friend to ANgel. If Angel however wanted Lindsey dead so badly, he should have done so himself, or at the very least let somebody else do it. Not the sweet Lorn…poor Lorn. What kind of friend makes their nicest friend betray all he

Speak for yourself. I was not so narrow minded to need that. I saw more way before that. Angel was a jerk when Lindsey actually did come to do the right thing. Lindsey was not pure evil. He was a guy with a tough childhood and was trying to get passed that his own way. Youth trauma. Angel, funny enough, is not all

I found Leverage better then Angel. But that could be because I dislike Angel and his team didn't feel like a team. Leverage has a much more fun main cast and a more fun way of dealing with the bad guys. Also Nate has his brooding like Angel, but not so in your face and so long and annoying as Angel did. Angel is

Could not disagree more. Leverage is my favorite tv show ever. And I have seen A LOT of tv shows. To each their own I guess. I for one really like the Librarians. Maybe not the best show ever. It does not need to be. It just needs to be fun, which it is. Tv is stuffed with serious ''realistic'' dramatic and dark