
Same! It's causing me to lose like 280 points. Never smart to bet against americans liking a stupid looking show :(

Unlikely. Fox has less programming, cause it has less hours to program, and generally sticks with it's low rated shows for the fall, and then replace them at midseason rather then pulling them.

They said

For what it's worth, Naveen Andrews is also busy, he's technically a regular on Sense8. It's funny to see how busy they all are after leaving Lost. It's almost like it was a huge hit or something.

Obviously RTD had a hand in those episodes, but I'm not sure how much he had to do with the structuring of them, as to how the story was divided up between the two parts etc.

I don't buy this argument that just because Doctor Who is a kids/family show means that it shouldn't be held to the same standards as any other TV show. Good Doctor Who episodes do hold up to narrative scrutiny. They're not just fun flashy stories for kids but, well written, properly thought through episodes of

I just think they're inherently more difficult to write from a structural point of view. Moffat's written some good ones over the years, whether you want to point to Empty Child and Silence in the Library, or Time of the Angels or the Pandorica, or even last season's finale, which I thought was pretty good, and worked

Yeah, I thought the opening was fantastic, and then the episode just settled down to being a lot of flashy filler, ending with a bunch of cliffhangers (Missy and Clara dead, TARDIS destroyed, Doctor about to kill young Davros) that were all completely unbelievable and lacked any kind of weight. Granted, the Doctor's

Glad I'm in before the deadline this year.

Yeah, nor Tommy, though both are still series regulars so I expect we'll be seeing plenty of them when the season actually starts. This promo was obviously focused on setting up Jarden which I'm assuming Laurie and Tommy are not in, at least to start off, so it makes sense that they wouldn't appear. Definitely looking

I get that. I mean I didn't watch the videos, didn't even hear about it until later in the day, so I'm obviously not affected by it the way some people have been and I totally get that if you were affected, you probably wouldn't be in the mood to watch anything remotely dark or violent tonight.

Maybe I'm just being stupid, but I kinda agree. I understand that USA for moral or more likely PR reasons wants to be sensitive to people who might have been affected by the shootings, but ultimately if you were affected by the shootings, you probably want to give it more than a week before your going to be in a state

It doesn't premiere in Canada at all for another week, so unfortunately it doesn't look like it.

IMDb has been changed now to Extract and Defend. Might make sense to change it if everywhere else refers to it by a different title.

Yeah, but this show is cynical, and if she becomes good, then there's not really a show, so I'm guessing they won't have her get back with her ex. Drunkenly hook up with him, maybe, but not get back together.

It's a dark, cynical, black-comedy/satire rather than the warm comedy of JtV, but still really good, and a lot of fun to watch. I think it's a good summer show for sure, but it depends on your taste.

Haven't seen the 3rd or 4th episodes, but from the first two, there's definitely a lot of sexual tension between them, and probably more chemistry than he necessarily seems to have with the contestants so far, so I don't think something along those lines happening is out of the question.

I'm not sure I really get bleak from this. It's dark and very cynical, but it's also got a lot of black comedy and satirical elements going on.

I mean, if they put the whole season up, I would totally binge it, I just don't want to watch the next three 3 and then not have to wait 3 weeks to watch more. Yeah, I don't think there's any perfect way to do comment sections on those kind of things, there's just gonna to spoilers, even if they're moderated or

Really liked the pilot and will definitely keep watching, but probably stick to the weekly schedule. Cool that Lifetime is doing this though, it feels very binge-able, so seems like a good way to hook viewers in.