
They aren't all speaking english, they are speaking their native languages, we just hear it as english, but there's also instances where they utilize subtitles when two people are speaking different languages to each other or stuff like that. It's a difficult situation, and I guess they could have had the show

Consideration period is between the beginning of June and the end of the following May. Hannibal didn't air any episodes in that time so it wasn't eligible. Hugh Dancy was nominated the year before though for the second season.

Well I don't watch Mom, but the other comedies are indeed the best comedies on TV right now give or take something like Louie.

How so?

I'm only going on what I've read, but as far as I know, Claire Temple was a love interest of Luke Cage for a while, but she never had any involvement with Daredevil. When they decided to bring her into the show, they made her this universe's version of Night Nurse as well.

Well it's unknown what her relation to Luke Cage is in the MCU, but with this deal there's obviously no reason she couldn't appear in his show.

Yeah, they kind of did a bit of amalgamation with Claire Temple and night nurse.

I don't think we've seen enough to be sure that it's that cut and dried. I guess we'll find out in a week though.

There have been some good procedural stuff in the subsequent episodes, but what's really been good is the serialized world building, and from what I've heard the show will be getting more serialized as it moves into it's back half.

Yeah, I'm not sure about Ravi. I mean, the show's zombie to non-zombie cast ratio at this point is fairly balanced at this point, but if Ravi becomes a zombie then there's more zombies in her life than non-zombies, and I think it's just as important for her to have an outside perspective on what she's going though as

I'd say if you didn't enjoy the first three episodes then it's likely the show just isn't for you. There have been better episodes, and a couple not quite as good ones, but the show's pretty much the same, yeah.

Or Hugh Laurie, or Damien Lewis etc. Some people are really good with accents; until I saw an interview with her, I had no idea that Rose McIver (from iZombie) was Australian for instance and she's great in that, and they are plenty of people who can at least to a passable generic one, but there's also so many others

It was definitely a weird choice, and yeah that's something you see a lot when foreign actors come and do american tv and have to do an american accent, and they spend so much energy on maintaining the accent that the performance suffers.

Yeah, I think it was a smart choice. I didn't have any trouble understanding what she was saying, but it wasn't a great accent, and I'm so used to Billy's natural accent that I just found it kinda distracting, so I'm glad that it's gone.

Supposedly according to critics who have seen next weeks episode, they've ditched the accent entirely, which I'm definitely pleased about.

I'm confused as to what your referring to. What features was he born with?

I'm so sorry, but you're wrong. If you don't like the theme song all that means is you haven't listened to it enough.

Yeah, that's probably what they're going for.

Yeah, but as we are supposed to like Major, having him realize his mistake and try to fix it would have been better than him seemingly just doing nothing. As I said, there obviously wasn't time in the episode for followup, which could have cleared things up. Agree about the Captain Awesome reference though, he

I have no problems with Major being clueless about something and making a mistake, I just would have liked a scene where he asked the reporter not to use the quote and for her to refuse, or for Liv to call him about it so he could explain.