
Hahaha! Would you believe that wasn't intentional? Good catch though!

Yeah, I get that he wasn't intentionally trying to screw him over, but he could have started the call not on speakerphone, or he could have told the reporter they were off the record or whatever. He had options as to how he could have handled the situation, especially considering he was trying to get Clive to help

Major did lots of stupid things in this episode, including screwing over Clive for no reason just to get a quote, but they didn't really have the time to deal with any of them properly, so it just felt rushed. Hopefully they deal with some of that in the next episode.

No, though not because I think he's in any way important, but precisely because they haven't really spent much time with him at this point, so killing him off, which would obviously be a big emotional moment for Liv as a character, wouldn't resonate with the audience. For a show this smartly written, I think they

Really? Just went back and re-read that interview, and I couldn't find anything about it. I'm glad that they're planning ahead more though, as last season got a bit convoluted at times, so this should help with the pacing of things.

Well maybe flowery is the wrong word, but you get what I mean. While you might be nostalgic for speeches like that, I'm glad we don't live in a world where people speak like that.

It's always possible that they're hiding something, as Dyad's pretty much always hiding something, but if there is something it can't be widely known at Dyad, cause I doubt that Delphine would keep it from them she knew more about the illness.

Thanks, those are nice. I'm interested in seeing how the rest of the season is represented.

Even with context, the speech is still willfully confusing. I think I kind of understand what he's trying to say, but the meaning is so obfuscated by his flowery prose that it makes it very difficult to follow. I'm sure it's all very well thought out and relevant, but they're still kind of silly episode titles. I kind

Nope. All season 1 episode titles are quotes from On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, all season 2 episode titles are quotes from the works of Sir Francis Bacon, and all season 3 episode titles are quotes from the farewell address of Dwight Eisenhower.

The dialogue is really low in the mix so it's kind of hard to make out, but what I think he says is "induce Cosima and she'll deteriorate rapidly" or something like that. Makes me think they were going to poison her or something, but maybe I read it wrong.

I'm assuming that Helena mentioned him at some point. I don't think Sarah really knows anything more about him other than his name, that he was a prolethean and that he's a castor clone.

Your being a bit patronizing and it really isn't necessary. You don't have to dismiss my opinion just because you disagree with it.

Netflix has managed to get quite a few awards nominations for OITNB and House of Cards in the past, so I don't think Netflix is particularly bad at campaigning. Certainly they seem more capable than FX has often been at getting awards attention.

Charlie Cox is almost certainly not going to get an Emmy nomination. After finding him fairly forgettable on Boardwalk, I thought he was really quite excellent here, but I still don't think he really has a shot, both for the kind of performance he's giving and also for the genre reasons you mention.

Yeah, they did, that's true. It still all felt too fast to me though, like we were missing steps and rushing through things to get them to be friends.

LOL, just you wait. :p

I never contested the quality of the season 1 finale, as I had moved on to talking about the end of the series, the finale I was talking about there is the one at the end of season 3. Don't think it's moot at all, that's how the show ends, and you'll either be happy with it or you won't. The fact that the story

The mysteries of the season are wrapped up incredibly well by the end of season 1. As for the series, yes it comes to an end, and personally I'm a big fan of the way the show ends, but the finale is a little bit polarizing from what I've heard, with some people being really unhappy with how the story wraps up. Guess

Well I don't love him, but after not really caring about him for the first couple episodes, they've really done a good job integrating him into the story in interesting ways. He's definitely growing on me for sure.