
Bullshit, watched the first three seasons last year and it seemed pretty great to me.

So am I. I'm a little further ahead then you though, just watched Sundown (S6E6) last night. Lots of good stuff up ahead. I was also 9 when the show started airing, so never got on the bandwagon at the time, though I did watch a couple Season 6 episodes while staying with my uncle a couple years ago.

Not according to Showtime's schedule.

Someone needs to remind Erik that TV Club is actually covering Penny Dreadful. This is the second week running that it hasn't been mentioned in WOT.

Obviously it's shot in Toronto, and there are a couple references to it being set there (licence plates, ID's etc.), but I read in an interview with one of the show's creators that the city it took place in was meant to be ambiguous so they could sell it better overseas or something like that.

I was just coming gonna mention that after I looked him up on IMDB.

The Dyad is in the same city the rest of the show is set, but while they film in T.O, it's meant to just be some generic North American city.

I wonder whether page views match those commenting numbers or not, as it's possible that people are still reading, and just don't have a lot to say anymore about the show.

Well beyond the first couple episodes of season 3 he wasn't on the show so…

Yeah, Billy and Mindy in S5 are just awesome, and it surprised me too just how much the show made me care about those characters which I had previously not had that much connection to.

I know that according to AV Club commenting rules and regulations I should be frothing at the mouth at the very thought of getting multiple opinions and more words being written about shows I like, but I honestly don't see why some people don't like the crosstalks. I enjoyed the format during season 1 and I continue

Don't get the hate for the crosstalk reviews, I like them. Wouldn't want it for every show or anything, but for some it's nice.

It's Bob's Burgers, Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Mad Men, Veep and Silicon Valley. Just the usual sunday night cluster-fuck.

How the hell does this have anything to do with Scientology? I completely disagree with the article too, this looks pretty cool, and it's got a great cast. Looking forward to seeing a trailer with more footage though.

Yeah, we've seen him around sporadically, though not since Blackwater. He's basically the Bobby Draper of GoT, as it seems they've recast him for this season, what with his expanded role and all.

Yes to the first two, though Bobby actually got some stuff to do in the last season, but WTF is Jonah doing there?

I wasn't a huge fan of him last year, but he's definitely hitting it out of the ballpark this season.

I found the site to be really buggy especially with new shows and british shows that would often show up, but not allow me to enter them, and other shows with the wrong maximum season number, like Community only showing 3 seasons, so my total was a lot less then it should be. I'm on another site that allows you to say

Sure it's important, because in the channels infancy when it was just BB and MM and a miniseries or two, people really saw it like it was the next HBO or something. Obviously in recent years it hasn't lived up to that with it's programming, but with Mad Men going away soon, they need some strong prestige headliners,

What does Breaking Bad mean? Really, what person didn't have to look that one up. It's a bit wordy, it's a bit technical, but I don't have any more problem with it then the aforementioned BB or something like OITNB.