
Schedules are constantly changing, they obviously weren't planning to do this from the beginning or anything, and if Raising Hope had 4 more episodes left I imagine they would have let it air, but with nothing to pair it with, and things to put in it's place for the time being that will do better ratings, I can

They didn't pull it just cause of the ratings, they pulled it cause Raising Hope has an hour long finale next week and after that they don't have anything they can pair it with, or anywhere else they can move it to for 4 episodes. Fox has said that they are going to air the rest of the episodes and the show's creator

All I can see are a few very short multi-episode reviews for seasons 2-3 which are chock full of spoilers for later episodes and later seasons and are strictly for people who have already seen the show, and I can't find any coverage of season 1 within the later seasons. If one of the goals of TV Club Classic is to

Yeah, I'd love to see some TVCC reviews of OZ and the first few seasons of Lost, but I can't imagine either of those happening. Happy that FNL is getting filled out though, and that the Shield will be coming back some time.

I actually really liked this episode. It was a bit messy, but the humour made up for it.

I know I sure haven't, though that's probably because they were popular before I was born.

Well that was another great episode. Hope that despite the low live+SD numbers it gets a second season; I'd be sad if we only had 7 more episodes of these guys.

Horror fans are generally some of the nicest, cuddliest people you will ever meet. People who watch all those hateful reality shows scare me a lot more.

It has a lot of hype on sites like this, but outside in the real world, the vast majority of people have no idea it even exists or have any interest in watching it.

Hannibal is never going to be a big hit, cause it's basically a cable show on network television, and doesn't appeal to a broad audience. NBC could give it a great time slot and tons of promotion, but then NBC would have to expect it to perform well. As it is, they've given it a terrible time slot, which means that

It's on a Friday at 10 on NBC which is pretty much least watched time slot in the week, so I can't imagine they are putting the bar for success very high. Because it's an international co-production, NBC pay very little for it anyway, so I can easily see them giving this another season if this doesn't do any worse

Nah we definitely can't. I don't watch Michael Bay movies so I still liked the music, pratfall wasn't funny, holdup was, and the gag with the spoon makes lots of sense and was funny. She can't see, she can only use one hand (other had the gun), and the lock is finicky. Works for me.

Don't have anything to add really, just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying this column, and I'm glad that you guys decided to add it. Also, Talk to Her is great, but like most Almodovar films, not really family viewing. The black and white scene with the little guy and the vagina is just surreal.

Fucking love Cristobal Tapia de Veer's work on this show. After the writing and Mark Munden's direction, it's the shows most distinctive aspects. Nothing else like it on TV.

I don't believe the whole style over substance thing in this case. There's no doubt that it is an incredibly stylized show, but I don't see how it has any less substance then something like Hannibal, which also has a distinctive visual palette. Rather then remaking it,

Don't know why HBO is doing this to be honest. The original is such a unique and weird show, and one of my favourite new shows of last year, so as much as I love Fincher, I do kind of wish this wasn't happening, as I really don't see it being able to top the original.

Well it's my #1 of the year for sure. After not loving their last album I wasn't expecting much of Kveikur, as it came out only a year after, but it really blew me away.

I just don't get it. I'm not saying it's wrong to not think BB was the best thing out this year (though in my opinion it very clearly was), but I just can't wrap my head around thinking Enlightened was better then it, or many of the other shows in AVC's top 15. As much as I respect Enlightened for what it was trying

He's not a good guy to be sure, but he's not a one-note serial killer. He did take care of Lena, and since coming back he's only killed one person, so I guess that's progress. I think his character arc is going to be fairly redemptive.

I think your enjoyment of the show is all down to how you approach it. Some shows require answers, and the twists and turns and revelations are what drive the story, but the Returned was never that kind of show. It never offered clear definitive answers to anything so I don't know why anyone would suddenly expect them