Amber Fierce

I’m reminded very much of Michael Vick, who did a ton of stuff to promote awareness of what a serious problem animal abuse is and giving the message directly to children of why it’s such a bad thing. I’m not saying any of that got me to forgive him, because nothing can, but I also can’t think of anything more that

she chose not to participate.  that means she didnt find it important enough to back up her accusations in a formal investigation from Chris’ employer. kinda diminishes her stance and makes her original statement suspect.

You know - every month... every month I read this list thinking “This will be the month where I feel good about the money I spend on Netflix”

And every month I get more and more disappointed.

If it weren’t for the marvel stuff, and the hot and cold running Star Trek it would be so easy for me to cancel.

Anyone else

Dear lord this comment is dripping with pretentiousness.