Ambassador Blanka

Finally an article where I can ask why the Woman doesn't get up after she trips on the chair, unless I missed something.

I'm going to see this. I love Coraline and ParaNorman, and I think this will be good, no matter how much that commercials with the kids shouting "JELLY!" tries to show me otherwise!

It was really better than I thought it would be. I felt there was a bit too much exposition in the first act, but hey, pilots. The cast and characters are all likable and the jokes were funny. I have high hopes.

This lady is an inspiration. Finally, I have the confidence to go after Disney for actively ripping off MY tale of being a hideous Beast and locked in a Castle for years.

I actually hope that they don't have the Comedian be The Joker, and have several characters who people believe could be the Joker, only to have it be a guy nobody saw coming.

The Mysteries of Ross' Thing


I thought it was alright. I hope it can get better from here.

As long as this gets them to make "Like a good neighbor" commercials.

That's it? I suck?!

Under the sea,

I don't know, I still really like the promo where Jimmy and Gretchen make out at the Movie Theater to get the family next to them to leave.

Man, what a great show. I can't believe I only watched it on a whim when nothing else was on. I really pray for a Season 2.

Ness' inclusion and Magicant in Smash REALLY brought me back to the Mother series this week. Mostly Mother 3 and Earthbound, though I started Mother 1 again yesterday. It also reaffirmed me as the minority who likes Mother 1 over 2.

"He said that “when we kill ‘em, they stay dead,”

Maybe someday I will drive straight into the building where they make new Simpsons episodes and destroy every last thing in there.

I saw a lot of commercials for its second season, albiet being the same one.

Finally! Canon Wonder Twins incest!

Not to mention what Joker did to Robin in the Batman Beyond movie.

It's the tone.