Ambassador Blanka

Haha Check out my new show "#YOLO" It's about a guy who plays modern video games like War Duty and says Gamer Language like "pwnd" and "leet" just like the youngsters!

I could never love you more. People only have a certain amount of love
in them and I'm afraid I have to divide mine up between at least a dozen

12 days of Simpsons and only 5 good ones.

The headline made me think Macaulay Culkin died.

*Scene in a meadow*
"I can see that when edited together, the footage does look related, but why can't they just leave it alone in the english version? Surely American children can understand what's going on just as well as Japanese children."

It's gonna take me a some time to let the ending sink in. My knee-jerk reaction is kind of depressing that Ryan's just gonna embrace his illness and not seek out help for it.

I like him.

Our hoop was a Rib Cage! A RIB CAGE!!!!!!!!!

I really like the show, so I'm a happy camper. Though I already thought this was its second season.

I AM A JEDI!!!!!!!!!!

I feel really hollow. It's like Michael Jackson's death again, meaning it's hard to believe that this icon is gone. May he hopefully rest in peace.


To be fair, at this point, The Simpsons IS on the same level as Family Guy.

Emperor Chang is the reason I can never understand how people can possibly think season 3 is better than 4. Say what you will about the writing, but at least the bullshit darkest timeline clones wound up being a dream.

Please be a return to the tone of Seasons 1 and 2, Please be a return to the tone of Seasons 1 and 2. Please be a return to the tone of Seasons 1 and 2, Please be a return to the tone of Seasons 1 and 2



I demand to know why Wilfred and Sunny aren't getting Blu rays! I expect an answer from the people who have no control over it!

I honestly do hope Al Jean feels like shit for hyping up "OOOOOO SOMEONE'S GONNA DIE, BETTER WATCH THE SHOW TO SEE HOW A BELOVED CHARACTER DIES" only to have Marcia Wallace die.