
All-New Wolverine has been spectacular already, and it looks like #22 is going to be even BETTER (the preview between Gabby and Deadpool may be the simultaneously most heartwarming, disturbing, and hilarious thing I've ever read).

I'm through having this debate with you. You're so locked in you don't even seem to realize that:

Something I was just thinking about:

Yeah, the potential comedy of Logan and adult Scott learning about the relationship was just one of MANY reasons I liked it. Instead all we got was a bit of squick from Kitty (granted, the fact she actually SAID "shudder" when Jean exposed Tyke's attraction was pretty ROFL-worthy on its own).

Remind me of the babe.

True, but which is also part of the point. It's the endpoint of the events of her two origin books (or rather, Innocence Lost and Target X are the series of events that establish why she is the way she is when she debuted in NYX).

Just stop now before you look any more ignorant. If all you're going to stop at is surface similarities you can do that for ANY two characters.

According to Kyle and Yost it's sexual dimorphism. Laura has foot claws specifically because she's a girl.

It doesn't, because that's not what's happening.

They've already explained why Laura is able to heal these people in the last issue, so clearly you're not spending enough on comics. It's not a new power or ability, the virus is simply actively drawn to Laura. Airborne it preferentially tries to infect her. If she touches someone, the virus migrates.

Cyclops was mostly raised by Jack o' Diamonds, with Sinister manipulating his time at the orphanage before that.

One of the best books in both the X-line, and Marvel overall right now.

Well, Logan is kinda dead, which is why she's Wolverine now in the first place. She's also not exactly on speaking terms with Old Man Logan. Laura is also there because she was asked for by name (the alien child who was "patient zero" asked for her before she died, and Captain Marvel came directly to pick her up).

I still wish they'd gone that direction. The X-23/Tyke ship had SO much potential. Not only do you have the Logan/Scott subtext, but Laura and Scott actually had a lot in common: Both are emotionally-repressed abuse victims raised by nasty people, and judged for things they had no control over.

You do?

I still can't decide who has it worse: The New Mutants, Generation X, or the New X-Men. I lean towards the New X-Men, at least the NM and Gen X don't usually get dragged out of limbo just to be killed off for shock value.

I'm predicting the new Wolverine has already been cast. And, in fact, is in Logan. We've even seen her in the trailers.

All-New Wolverine is the best out of the X-Books. Taylor not only nails who X is as a character — and unlike many writers these days, actually cares about continuity with the past — but has been brilliant at weaving together character drama with a little bit of humor.

The only way they could make the "plot" work was by having EVERYONE involved do the exact stupidest thing they could at any particular moment. It's pretty damn pathetic that the only characters in the ENTIRE EVENT that showed a lick of sense about the whole thing were the X-Teens and Avengers Academy kids (props

When has Bendis ever cared about what other writers are doing? Hell, he can't be bothered to follow his OWN continuity much less care about what anyone else is writing concurrently. He does what he wants to do at the pace he wants. And then he trolls and insults the fans after they get fed up and call him out on it.