Milton Greene's Kidney

God I dislike Khloe Kardashian so fucking much. Woman, you are THIRTY FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD. Take this mess off of Twitter and grow the fuck up. Also, this cracked me up.

Dear Khloe:

If Medicare for All really includes all the features you mention, why is it called Medicare for All?

Yeah, I’m not sure what this expose on ‘demographics of overpriced restaurants’ has added to our collective intelligence. Why is this an article?

Did anyone else read this and think - yeah it sounds like an annoying job, but it also sounds like every service based job with face to face customer interactions. Affluent customers are snotty, but this isn't terrible and definitely not even close to the worst I've heard about.

I know this is a typo but now I can’t stop thinking about Ben Affleck with Jeb Bush.

Eat a salad? I’m not sure what to do either. I think HamNo was hoping for more negative emails.

I read it. Now what?

I am on team Jordyn, I don’t know why, but I would contribute to her GoFundMe page to finance her tell-all and lawyers to get around the NDA’s.

First of all, the K family’s all out assault on Jordyn is gross. Second of all, Khloe hooked up with James while he was still dating her alleged friend Trina. Alls fair in love in war until the Ks get burned. Then they become vindictive. 

Wait until they find out that 6G is chemtrails.

Is Step 4“be credibly accused of sexual assault multiple times”.

52 kids under him? I thought he was a Steeler, not a Cardinal. 

I feel bad for Zion’s knee. But this is tremendous content.

That’s a hell of a way to apply for a job at Fox News. 

He shouldn’t be the Democratic Party candidate for president.

Yes, as I recall, Bernie Sanders was in fact the progressive visionary behind Hillarycare! And remember when he won the 2016 primaries?!?

Bernie has fought for progressive causes all his life.  Terrific.  Let him continue to do so from the Senate.  Or as an elder statesman in the private sector.  He shouldn’t be the Democratic Party candidate for president.

In 2016, Bernie was really the only game in town, regarding his brand of politics. For 2020, it’s clear that there will be other options that are potentially less annoying, less problematic, and lack his baggage. So why stick with him?