
I have always said the best thing about a spin class is that no one can tell how hard you are working! Most spin classes I do are a line up of bikes facing one direction in a darkened room. You can choose/place a bike in the back of the room, keep the resistance where ever works and ... do you. I think that most

Totally agree - never going to tell someone their choices are wrong around drinking when it comes to normal “wine mom” behavior (we are taking behavior that impacts your ability to care for your kids and the like out of this discussion).  To me - where it becomes problematic is when the drinking (and getting drunk)

I liked this sketch too... I don’t do social media, but seems like “wine mom” is the updated identity of women who were “crazy party girl” 10 years ago. “Vegas baby” posts of a tiny bathing suit and shots by the pool are now “Whine - no, wine- yes!” posts.  My ex-SIL was sort of a wine-mom and honestly - she was stuck

Super curious what lane this guy is going for. My first instinct was generic racism, however, Cosby is a POC, so that’s not quite right. Like some sort of Libertarian thing... weird flex to be a prosecutor and be a libertarian.  Very odd position to occupy as the guy that doesn’t think people should be like

I mean whats crazy is amniotic fluid is... well... mostly pee.  Some of it is fluid produced by the supporting structures of the pregnancy, but that’s early on.  Eventually - it’s mostly just fetal urine with stuff floating around in it.  These people were literally injected with pee.  

To my eye - the failure lies in the group doing the administration not having clear guidelines. I am under 65, but qualified to get a vaccine based on my position at lab that does Covid testing. That said - they were very clear on the materials that I needed to produce my badge/proof of active employment, my most

I agree - I feel like the premise that somehow being in the right place at the right time, and doing a thing that we all need to do eventually is somehow a moral dilemma. It seems almost like virtue signaling in the place of ... I don’t know common sense and pragmatic decision making. Must be exhausting.

LOL you know what... this is a great point.  In my small field there was one particular guy who worked at a high profile institution in a desirable city ... and there was ALWAYS a job posted to work under him.  A new grad would take the job for as long as it took to get a foothold and then immediately move on. The guy

Because it is my last opportunity I would like to give a shout out one more time for my favorite observation about M. Trump, which is for a trophy wife, she’s really bad at her job.

I feel like this generation also has moved away from accepting “but it’s faaammmilllyy” excuse for all kinds of bad behavior. There was a time where you didn’t talk about how friendly Cousin Dale was with the little cousins... because its family. You sort of just let you Aunt Karen with untreated boarderline

I was in a political discussion with a friend (good natured) and he was doing a bit of what-about-ism in regards to the Obama administration. He was implying that someone was a doing something unethical/dirty/wrong... that had consequences for “his” side. I said “is that illegal” (we didn’t know). I said - well

I mean feckless cunt and all that. But keep in mind she’s got plenty of skin in the game of when it comes to Johnny Law breathing down the neck of these grifters. Her Husband is certain to be under scrutiny, it’s certain that some of her father’s dealings have laundered through her hands in some way and she may well

I feel this is a great take. I also feel like LW is also conflating approval and permission. Which honestly - depending on how comfortable you are with the consequences, you don’t really need. Assuming you are not dependent on them for shelter or money - then you don’t need their permission. You also do not need their

Yup - I’m board certified in genetics and other than the absolute rote basics/fundamentals (which I is not even memorization as it foundation building for a field of study), memorization is useless. A few things happen in our world: 1) It’s such a dynamic field that things you learned 18 months ago (much less 18 years

Yup - as mentioned certain ingrained knowledge coupled with muscle memory is important in certain fields (e.g. EMT, Dr.’s, maybe air traffic controller) ... but for a lot of people their daily work is about processing information, making a good decision and executing that decision effectively. I think there is

I’m an old (for reference). Does anyone remember the rise of the Lad Mag’s. Maxim and the like? This was during my “cool girl” phase, so I remember thumbing through them because I was a “cool girl” and wasn’t hung up on stuff like the objectification of women. I feel like these gals were like the proto-influencers of

Yup - I’m fond of saying “you know they got Al Capone on tax evasion” when hinting at how sometimes you can use the rules to your favor to get rid of someone that is causing you a problem.

I read a book that was set in the Discworld series and there was a bit about how everyone knew you shouldn’t use magic because magic always had unintended consequences and things never worked out quite how you thought they would.  I feel like these situation are a bit like magic. Of course there will be costs

I have also turned off notifications (note to self - need to give Uber the same treatment), but I do like Poshmark. I personally think that it is best for cases in which you know the brand and fit and want a very specific item. I decided I wanted an Athleta Maxi Dress. I know my size and what to expect from the brand

I find myself holding two thoughts both of which have been echoed in various ways in these comments.