
Yes this is definitely a good point. To have a financial motivation is not fundamentally under the category of evil capitalist. The folks making these decisions could have an altruistic element in that they are very aware that people both within the university economy and the surrounding town.  I can appreciate that

The decision of these schools is 100% based on their desire to not have to make any financial concessions to deal with the fact that students don’t want to pay premium prices to distance learn from their childhood bedroom at their parents’ house. Higher Ed is an industry first and foremost - their product is the

I feel like this is not-so-low-key signaling to the racist and xenophobes in the GOP, while stopping just short of making it easy for anyone to actual gain information about the posts. Anyone who is hanging with racist/xenophobe camp knows exactly who this Loomer person is, so Trump’s campaign gets the advantage of

A very wealthy, non-famous person also has a different type of people that speak for them, that give them more anonymity. I’m sure in certain circles it is well known who Ellen’s personal assistant is or the like. But random super rich non-famous person... he is not making the call but rather asking an assistant to

I love your post. I had a similar sort of thought. Perhaps she never married because she was like “man relationships can be bullshit sometimes... why would I make it hard to extricate myself”. Perhaps she doesn’t particularly care about children. I have a pretty high stakes job and right now I slog on because I’m in a

I always have referred to this as your schmatta. An inexpensive, comfortable garment that you don’t care if it gets a stain, can be tossed in the washer and dryer... but at the same time you can answer the door or run to the post box down the street and be decent. My preferred use for a schmatta is as a cover-up when

I suggest a rumor that your dick won’t work.  If you care so much about “looking cool” that you decide that risking your own health and that of your loved ones is not worth worrying about, I can only assume that part of it is about the constant drive that the world (e.g. women) should be aware of thinking about your

My Mom worked for our basically normal and functional school district for years. Through my job I came to know a lot about various school districts in Southern CA. These experiences are one of the reasons I don’t have kids. I realized that my personality of common sense and practical problem solving, along with a

I mean - I’m in a petty mood - but if you had told me that Terry had transitioned from bio Female -> Trans Male I would not laugh you out of the room. “Oh sure, yeah I see it.  He seems really happy”.  

I feel like they are really casting about for that “single issue voter” topic that they can use to bring low information voters into the fold.

This was my take. I mean let’s take it back to the shaved head, whacking cars with an umbrella days... that was not a person who was even functioning, much less thriving. Whatever is happening now it seems that she is pretty healthy. She was able to work and by all accounts the Vegas show was great. She is essentially

Right - her experience is interesting and I would be curious to examine that by changing variables to see what drove different behaviors. I’m anecdotally aware of studies that find that in some cases, people take direction or suggestion from perceived women better than men. In this case, the experience of this

I feel like this is such a rich area of research. I saw an article a while back that Uber was using messages from a “female” company handler to convince drivers to log more hours. When the “ping” came from genderless “bot” people ignored it. I’m not sure if they tested with a “male” handler - e.g. Michael sends a text

It can take some self-awareness, and sometimes some “teachable moments” to learn this lesson: as you advance in your career, you loose the ability to be your genuine self in the work environment. You can be a bland, friendly, somewhat beige version of yourself. People will not include you in their cliques and out of

Disclaimer: I know nothing of what it means to have your employer be the US Congress.

When ending a relationship that is not a “burn it with fire” situation... I think you have to allow negative emotions to exist. Both for yourself and for the other person. Yeah, the other person is going to be upset. Maybe they are going to think you jerked them around. You are going to miss the person because they

You make a really good point and I admire your commitment to the long game. Trying to shock and awe this lady into seeing the error of her ways is likely just going make her feel like Victim (TM). A much better approach would be to have her do the long slog of checking her fucking privilege at the front door every day

Disclaimer - I don’t watch these shows so I don’t know who this is.

I know right! Like people won’t forget that there was a civil war. It was quite a formative moment in our country for so many reasons. Heck I’m not British I happen to be vaguely aware that that Great Britain had a civil war over the monarchy sometime in the early 1640's.  So like 400 years ago, a person who is not

I just finished watching new John Oliver’s show on Policing (very good... as would be expected), and the thing that strikes me when I see these shots of the unions is that they are all male, white, and older. Of course the age could be that you have to do your time to earn a position of power. No women, no people of