
I remember listening to this all go down and he was the first time I remember clearly recognizing someone was a narcissist. In one of his interviews he honestly compared himself to Jesus and I remember thinking “daaayyymmmn... that guy has issues.” I am not surprised that his interview is completely devoid of any

You know reading all of these comments made me realize that breaking it off with the guy I’m dating who is very honest about his addiction and recovery is the right thing. Now I don’t do drugs and I don’t have an addiction problem, but I don’t want to have to edit my behavior to account for him. I want to be able to

This has always astounded me as well. Like a bunch of people woke up one day in like 1848 or something and were told “you now live in the united states”. These folks were probably all “LOL - no we don’t we live in Mexico”... but someone was like “No, this part right here... it’s the US now.” So they were like “OK,

LOL right. I was chilling on a patio drinking establishment on Memorial Day weekend down at a beach city hotspot in So California. I was sitting there watching the crush of humanity go by. It is worth noting that I am somewhat recently divorced and thinking about maybe getting back on the market, and I was like

Honestly - it almost seems like someone put a hit out on her. Like his intention on making sure she gets a shove into a bus, the fact that she circles back... I’m not saying that she deserved it or something like that... just seems like he was literally trying to kill her, like her creepy brother-in-law put out a hit

None of my grandparents, who lived into their 80's/90's (one grandma still kicking it at 98), ever touched their grandchildren in this way. Other than like you know making the babies giggle by buzzing their tummies. But we are talking the less than 12 months crowd. My parents, who are grandparents in their 70's, do

Man - I remember when this movie came out copies of that dress in particular were EVERYWHERE. I was in high school and I remember more than one girl had a version of the business dinner black choker cocktail dress and one girl’s mother recreated the red opera dress gown. The clothes in that movie were like

I’m here - if this is what it takes to get guys to nut up and take some responsibility for contraception, who am I to hate on them. A lot of people are poorly educated and grossly misinformed about many aspects of reproduction. What is routine in most civilized countries, is stigmatized and treated with

I think another thing that is key to not having a wardrobe full of stuff you never wear is to not try to hold on to items that you think you will wear “once I ...”. We all have those items that we think we will stain remove/fix a seam/find a replacement button/lose enough weight ... etc. Unless the fix is literally

Well I think on ebay you can sort of make up your own rules to a certain extent. Particularly if you are not running an ebay business where you are selling the same product over and over... you are doing a one time purge and can basically make it an online garage sale. Make it clear that all items are new, unworn,

Some of the bullshit also contains a “mother’s health” exemption. I think it would be interesting to make an argument that “I will kill myself if I have to carry this pregnancy to term.” Like a direct threat to my own health in the form that I will kill myself dead. Of course the anti-choice forced birth fuckers

Well certainly that can be an element to it, but I would disagree with the “don’t distract the menz” comment... simply because the business itself was dealing with pregnant women, so like 95% of the people and staff were women. Simply put, there was a standard of appearance that the owners deemed acceptable, both on a

I mean - this is the most logical solution - a non-gendered dress code. I worked at hospital for years and we had some restrictive, yet very very simple dress code rules. No open toed shoes - makes sense in a hospital. But rather than quibble over this group can wear open toed shoes and this group can’t - no open

Oh yeah. My Dad’s family owns a respectable chunk of one of the fly-over states. It’s a pretty large property. I’m sure when my grandfather was out working the farm, he had some sort of firearm to deal with animals or whatever. It would only make sense. And for better or worse, when you live in a rural area,

I got divorced in CA - signed the final agreement a year ago today (whoo-hooo), and they have something in CA that you can use for just this. It’s called a summary dissolution and it is basically the equivalent of turning in your marriage license and going on your way. It’s not for everyone - you have to be married

Oh and I also agree with you that gun laws really cannot be one size fits all. Sure - people in remote areas need a level of self-sufficiency that I in a large metro area do not. Being able to defend yourself in an isolated area from someone up to no good results in probably a net sum very few people actually being

I don’t get it either. I don’t own a gun, but I have gone to the shooting range a few times. It was fine, I can see why people enjoy it as a hobby. Honestly a bit loud and dirty for my taste, so not a hobby I would take up. I’m sure I have hobbies that lots of people would be all “I don’t get it, but whatever...”

I live in CA and open carry is not so much a thing around here. I have often thought that if I wandered into another part of the country and someone walked in to Starbucks carrying an assault rifle my first instinct would be to call the cops because someone just walked into a Starbucks in a suburban neighborhood with

It’s a pain to have your rent increased, but ultimately the market will dictate what is acceptable rent. And it kinda goes both ways. You don’t indicate if you stayed in your rental, or if you left.

My roommate went to this (her ticket was a gift) and invited me along sort of last minute. I looked on Sunday AM - and the actual ticket (with fees) was going to cost me like $170. Plus drinks and food - I was looking at a $200+ day. I decided to pass. She told me it was good - but yeah lots of standing to see the