
Ugggh! the internet ink that has been spilled over these douche bags. I’m so sorry for your wife and stepson, and good on you for taking on the responsibility to give them a calm and safe space in the storm.

I can only think that people that are “team mom” on this one probably are not aware 1) of the background in this case and 2) have never really had to deal with a narcissistic abuser as an close person in their lives. I was reading this post thinking “Uggghh, what is it with these abusing assholes, they just won’t

Yeah - maybe a better solution for the 10 students would be to say their admission has been deferred, and they have the next year or so to reapply. In that time they need show considerable progress in their understanding of what it means to be a citizen of the world and how these actions were harmful. Give them no

Exactly - particularly if there are specific products that you know you like. Unexciting things like undies or a known favorite brand of the specific work-out pants that you know you like. Why would I get into the car, drive to the mall, park, go inside have to find what I want, hope they have my size and go stand

I wonder if changes to the professional work place have also contributed to changes to the mall landscape, at least as it pertains to clothing stores. When I started working about 20 years ago, I needed proper work clothes. Not suits, but pants, skirts, shirts and sweaters that covered everything up and looked

I can relate to this experience. Being taken to the mall with a friend was some of the first independence I was allowed. My mom likes to shop and worked for the schools so was often on break when we were on break. Starting in like junior high, she would drive us to the mall, we would be allowed to go wander around

Ya know - I said on another thread a while back: I’m always a little surprised by how bad Melania Trump is at her job of trophy wife. Now, one could make the argument that the job duties changed significantly. Up until summer 2016, the job duties were mostly take care of kiddo, show up for an occasional smile and

The social conditioning is such that many women are trained to care about the male gaze. Men are conditioned to think that every woman should care, at least a little bit, about his gaze. This kind of language - the approving nod of “you are different than other girls” is a way of saying “you are not conventionally

I have only ever experienced the show with it on in the background while I was packing up to leave a vacation condo - so I don’t really know the show at all. That said - the two episodes I watched in passing were so obviously contrived, with the conversations seeming like stilted line readings... I found it

I know we shouldn’t snark on appearances... but I saw the photo on the page and was like “ohhhh... we have officially crossed over into had too much work done land.”

I agree with this. I mean everyone has their thing, and I realize that for some people, this whole playing the game of 0% balance transfers and rewards checks and etc. is a fun challenge for them, but it takes a fair amount of time, attention to detail, and fussing around. At the end of the day, the CC companies

I have to say that “where in the world” sketch was amazing because they put a lot of effort into the set up. Like literally the sets, the costumes, the graphics... they did not mess around. I was expecting it to be like 5 minutes and BOOM - over. it was great.

I mean I know it is an exercise in futility, but I don’t understand people who look at something like $13 million in pay outs for 5 individuals and say that he didn’t do anything wrong.

I read an interview once with a costume designer who said that it is sad that sci-fi doesn’t get more love in terms of recognition for costuming, because it takes a great deal of creativity to create a whole world with the costumes, as opposed to your regular old costume drama. She said something like - it’s not that

The coworker analogy works really well for me. I also think that there are just some people that this kind of behavior is just part of their DNA. I know a lot of offices where there is a little clique of women who rule the roost. They gossip, they create drama, they criticize what you wear or your choice in handbag

My ExH was not blatant... he could say the right things most of the time. BUT - over time I came to realize that he really only viewed women as good for two things - working for him (meaning his underlings) or fucking. If you were not his underling or someone he thought he might like to fuck, you simply didn’t exist

I have a friend who shares my love (LOVE) of roller coasters. His wife refuses to even go to an amusement park. Like once a year we have something called roller coaster appreciation day, where we go to the amusement park, ride roller coasters for 12 hours straight. He drops me off, and we don’t speak again for 3 to

And I think this is the crux of the issue. It gives people a false sense of security. We have rules in place, and as long as we follow the rules, nothing bad will happen.

I wonder if changes in how we live contribute to this as well. I feel like with my folks, they had a good split of domestic chores, but there was also a lot to do. Dad - being the resourceful outdoors/engineering type... kept up the lawn, kept up the maintenance on the house, took care of the cars, researched large

This is a lot of it. Even if you don’t order online, online shopping has definitely changed the way we shop. I have a few favorite stores that may be in the mall, and I will typically wander through the website every so often to see if there is anything I like. If there is nothing that interests me, I don’t get in