
That was one hell of an acid trip,

The original end of Major League was pretty interesting. Indians were really broke and she set herself up as the villain in order to get the team to bond. She did the money ball thing to put together the team. Ending is on one of the DVD's and youtube.

Bet someone else went back in time and killed Dante creating this timeline

Bring back The 1.98 Beauty Show!

Wouldn't even get past the censors today LOL. They flipped when the saw that segment. Curious how that slipped thru back in the 70's

The one in 2008 wasn't bad enough? Making it totally vanilla on the network will be even worse. The show was great because Barris acted as if he was coked up putting acts on like the Popsicle Twins. I bet they would not even put on The Unkown Comic.

That is very true. He should have just grown a handle bar mustache and played it while talking at times. Also should have gotten a dog that laughed when ever his plans blew up.

They hinted about the magnatar last episode when black siren asked if they knew what his real plan was when she brought down ,ercury labs

Was not in the book. Just the Japanese guy seeing a different reality that the allies won but it was not our reality.

Not time travel if you go by the books but alternate earth

Any list with Girls on it loses me. Also Better Call Saul episode 9 was grea as well