The Amazing Potato

After looking at those pics side-by-side, why do I now feel like I’m in a Bill Paxman/Bill Pullman, Dermot Mulroney/Dylan McDermott situation?

To cover all bases, I just yell “Get festive, you twats!”

“There’s a fight that happens, basically,” says Arora, who was watching over SBF’s shoulder as he answered that final question from Sequoia, “and I’m like, This guy is fucking in a gank!”

You’re doing the lord’s work in these comments, good sir. But I have to ask, is SPIRITED more of a Christmas cracker or an overcooked Brussel sprout?

I’d rather see The Thousand in a Spiders-Men movie, as that’s a dude that’s now a ton of spiders...who eats people and wears their skin. Seriously, it’s one of the grossest Spider-Man stories with some of the worst, as in shit, artwork.

Came here to say the latest episode of STARGIRL (The Monsters) was phenomenal!

I’d like to see a movie where the existence of an afterlife is proven, and it’s super boring. So it’s up to a hotshot priest to reveal that this truth is a lie! Or that, plot twist, there are MULTIPLE afterlifes, because no one would see that coming. Yeah, I know how I spelled it. That’s the movie’s name: AFTERLIFES.

Hang on a minute, I'm sure Australia still has Blockbuster stores!

STARGIRL is cancelled? Aaahhh fuuuuuuuuck. No more Grade A dadding from Pat? No more hilarious condescension from the Shade? What a world we live in.

I’m going to screenshot the missing colours then sell them as NFTs. I'm a genius, I tell you!

Haha alright have a goddamn star!

I want Guy Ritchie to film an Ork movie starring Henry Cavill. C'mon, don't tell me you don't want that!

Feels a bit weird that it's taken this long to do anything about Vision. I imagine there's a whiteboard in Marvel hq covered in post it notes, with "follow up on Vision" constantly being bumped down the to-do list by other ideas.

That’s a brilliant idea!

OK, I’ll jump on the bandwagon. I like the idea that he could be playing Reed!

This doesn’t make any sense at all because the inmates are always escaping! 

Serious question: would continuing to make Marvel films count as a conflict of interest? Or is there any indication he’s now done with Marvel (after GOTG 3)?

Glorious is really entertaining and manages to do a lot with a little (JK Simmons is up there with Clancy Brown for me as “person I could listen to forever”).

My feeling, often, is, never explain, never complain.

Black Adam grabs an ill child and gives him a hug, then yells up at Superman “You gotta try harder, bro!” then kisses the child’s head as angelic music swells.