
Moved out of the frame before taking each picture?

Yeah, it just seems out of place with the rest of the icons. One thing I don't like about Android is the non-uniformity of the icons.


I saw it after I posted and thought I deleted my comment but apparently not... my apologies.

Not really, in a lot of countries it is free.

#corrections "... covering an entire football feet 10 stories up in the air." Field

How thick is it where the camera is?

Who's gonna put up the Oprah "Bees" gif?

If you look at the full size image on Wired you can tell that it isn't caution tape. I was thinking the same thing at first glance though. Still underwhelming to say the least.

Bravo! Well said!

Very cool. The initial release almost looks fake it's so surreal.

Yeah it looks like a good way to lose a finger or two.

So the machine vision algorithms have about the same success rate as most humans in cracking Captcha codes.

Of course @vasquez_tracer has to be the troll that says the same thing every time a vulnerability is discovered for a Mac.

Was "this time of year" intentionally used twice?

Toward the end of the article is a sentence that reads: "...the $25 case also features a contoured back allowing a user to stash an RFID security card inside..."

If you want to understand what this article is trying to explain... save yourself the trouble of reading this one several times and simply read the original article linked on Wired.

The way it is written it says that as the parasite emerges from the wasp it kills it. Somehow at the same time the dead wasp thinks that it is a queen. Makes absolutely no sense. Probably the worst written article I've read on Giz.

Pictures or GTFO... I haven't experienced and discernible side effects. Don't see any reason to give it to a child though.

Everyone knows that a genius would have an iPhone.