
It's a pretty lame collection no doubt there are much better.

The one on the right looks like it's from 1961. If this is so, it is made of silver and is worth $5+ depending on current silver prices.

Gerber has been making multi tools with c4 punches and blasting cap crimpers for a while. So finally...?

That's range per tank, not MPG.

Washington has a letter missing also.

Technically, as the title states, the stars themselves do not penetrate the cells. The drugs that they are coated with are absorbed into the cell.

The Hague and Geneva conventions only apply to military use.

Correct! Biggest example of this would be hollow point bullets which are banned in military use by the Hague Convention of 1899. But as a civilian I can go to any gun store or even Wal-Mart for that matter and buy hollow point bullets.

Keep on spending that money...

They probably don't charge him anything. How many chances will these doctors have to perform this kind of surgery and learn all these invaluable lessons.

Funny how you link to the term lipophobocity on wikipedia. Did you read the link? Where it clearly states that a lipophobic/oleophobic is used on the screens of iPhones, iPads, and other popular devices?

I can't tell if you are serious or trolling either.. I'm pretty sure that Gizmodo knows what the Onion is.

If you fell asleep while using it, it would go to standby and wouldn't get this hot.

Play a game that pretty much maxes out all 6 cores of the processor for 45 minutes straight...

You must get a lot of mail if you are willing to spend $65-85 on a carbon fiber letter opener. I like to use this as a letter opener.

At what point did I say it was okay for them to post these pictures? I do not condone this behavior at all, like you said it is not safe to be leaking this sort of intel.

No I still doubt geotagging had much to do with that instance... First of all the internet in Iraq is atrocious. How many hours or days had gone by before these soldiers got their pictures online and the terrorists used them. A more likely scenario is that the terrorist saw the helicopters land and launched some

Of course these bases have been dismantled now and the satellite imagery hasn't been updated since 2004 or 5. But when I was actually in Iraq, these Google maps were accurate and quite disturbing.

No my reading comprehension is just fine. That might have happened in that particular instance. But every other squadron that has been parked there for months can be seen on Google maps. Our Light Armored Vehicles can be clearly see on Camp Baharia, and that is where we parked them every night for months.

I don't have an image editor on computers at work or I would post a picture, but if you pull up Google maps and type in Fallujah, Iraq. Slightly to the West of the city you will see TQ or Al Taqaddum air base, zoom in and have a look around. To the East of Fallujah you will see Camp Baharia, and Camp Fallujah also