
Oh yeah cause police officers have the best judgement in the world.

Do you realize that like 90% of Texans carry guns... you need to move to a less manly state like NY.

Not everyone in college are drunken idiots... (I just graduated) but some students like myself are former military and have a purpose in life other than getting drunk and looking for pussy. To put it simply, law or no law, I will not allow myself to be a victim.


No I'm not. I bet my life that I could shoot that motherfucker before he killed 30 something people. I am a former Marine Corps infantryman and have been to Iraq 3 times... a crazy asian with a gun would be far from the highest stress situation I've encountered.

That's just for shotgun and pistol.. You only get 100 rifle round making those 12.50 a round.

I've got a a much more simple solution: Allow concealed carry on campus.

VOTE: Mint, although I don't use it anymore because my bank, USAA, has implemented nearly all of it's features into it's iPhone app.

My upload is always faster than my download... of course I live in West Virginia and the fastest I can get is ~3Mb/s. My upload speed is generally 5-6Mb/s.

I think it's youtube... does this to me on almost any connection.

You just jumped on a guy for no reason, did YOU read the article? It doesn't state why he dropped FiOS which is what tehssusnoh asked.

You could replicate it for fairly cheap.

I don't understand why everyone is making such a bid deal out of this. That puny HD3000 with 256/384 MB of shared memory would have trouble with frame rates on a single 2560x1440 monitor let alone two of those beasts. I would like to take a vote of how many Macbook Air owners also thought about purchasing 2 $999

Same here, I have the 200MB plan and have gone over maybe once or twice.

In America we wouldn't allow the word Fag to be associated with such a badass machine.

For far less money you could get some much better sounding speakers, like some KRK Rokits! It's a true waste of a 5.1 system to set it up like that.

If Amy was going through Alcohol detox she would have experienced the symptoms well before the three weeks was up.

You try it and report back with your findings.

What's the dock connector looking thingy on top?

True, but there will always be ways around it, especially with electronic systems.