Garlos Chosn (in honor of Mergio Sarchionne)

I’m a 15 year old in GA.

Would anybody be interested in some kind of multiplayer organization of Jalopnik readers??

Length is more important than width...”

Did...Did you read the comment?

So sad.  I guess this the end. I mean, writers have left in droves and the comments have slowed way down, but it was still ok-ish. But not now.  

Is this new layout going to be a regular thing?

I like your list, but the clicks make me feel dirty :( 

I use the airlines more too, but I’d trade all my future flights for a postal service that isn’t hamstrung by Congress and continues to make sure the poorest and most rural Americans have the same privileges as everyone else.

Someone bring me out of the grays so I can have a discussion with Andrew P. Collins...

I cooked some salmon in the office microwave. I apologized a hundred times, to no avail.

You are aware that your whole response here is nonsense to casual users right? That’s what efforts like this are for - the “do it for me” crowd who buy in larger numbers than those of us that know about networking protocols. What’s wrong with a manufacturer trying to make these things more accessible for these users?

“I can’t say that I agree with genocide, but at least they’re using a pickup for actual work.” - Jalop McJaloperman

I’d argue that the Aztek looks worse because it looks like a bad idea made poorly, while this looks like a bad idea executed with a degree of skill. It’s still a terrible idea, but it’s the difference between dog vomiting up cat shit and a mid-range chef putting it on a plate. You don’t want either and you question

While I don’t disagree it’s probably an upgrade, what is a 3.8 with a 2 barrel going to put out? 100hp?

If this isn’t legit, it’s nonetheless a common intimidation tactic among shitty landlords. When I was dealing with one, he said he had legal basis for this because I worked from home and got packages that involved my job. I pointed out that the law had actual standards that my tapping on the computer and getting a

Yeah how dare people be offended by jokes about hanging in a state where till the 80s it was still common for blacks to “disappear” .

Wow am I out of touch, I thought that meme was just a joke about being stuck inside with your spouse for too long. Never occurred to me at all, that there could be racial overtones.

Thank you so much!

Toni I just want to say you’re crushing the weekend job