Trying to make up for the loss of pottymouth Kristen.
Trying to make up for the loss of pottymouth Kristen.
Because a significant number of small businesses operate on very low margins (or their supply chain does). Many don’t make enough profit to have a rainy day fund. Those that do may only keep a month to six months worth (while assuming lower revenue). Having no revenue at all come in will very quickly eat through that.
late June of 2016
Goddammit. I mean, I knew today was the day, but it still sucks for us.
But good’s been a weird month.
I haven’t even made it through all the anecdotes, and this is what, like the 3rd or 4th major departure in the last six months, but this is the first one to make me tear up a little.
Best of luck Kristen! Hopefully you are headed somewhere that you will take less shit from misogynistic dickheads.
I mean, it’s not just the women leaving, everyone is on their way out from the whole dang company these days
One thing I always liked about Jalopnik was that it had multiple women writing about cars and car culture. One by one, they all seem to have left.
the price of a Kandi Coco would be below $900.
As a scholar of all things sub-par from the 80s sci-fi cinema world I can give you some insights here.
OK this is good Jaloptent. Keep it up!
Mine uses that big-ass key, and I hate it. It’s also comedically wobbly for added annoyance. Its days are numbered, though...I’ve been using this damn keyboard for years (“good enough”, being my reasoning... it’s not all bad by any means), and once world events start to stabilize, I’m treating myself to a better…
Breaking: Jeep Fanatic Admits Insider Trading
But the current logo is old enough to be retro
Came here to suggest the same thing. Comfortable like a Pilot. Can do more things than a Pilot. It’s a Honda. It’s kind of rare. It’s different. And it might be had new for $40K!
I’m going with a boring answer- Honda Ridgeline.
The corporate IT world is rife with this. Buy a 32-port switch? Too bad you’re only licensed for 24 out of the box. Running SQL on a server with 4x12 compute? Whoops, only got 32-core license for SQL, gotta idle those extra cores. I doubt Tesla even thought this would be an issue.
It really is a Ferrari experience at a quarter the price.
That kind of snark will be lost on some of the Kotaku commentariat. If only there were some sort of sports site known for its culture of snark where your comment would be universally appreciated.