Garlos Chosn (in honor of Mergio Sarchionne)

ahh I missed this,
I would have recommended the Volvo B8444s
Sounds fantastic, yamaha worked on it, and it shows up in the noble m600

My friend had their car stolen. The police knew where the car was, they couldn’t do anything about it. They ended up buying a beater Neon as they needed a car to get to work (which ended up dying several days later). It sucks all round.

idk if you meant it or not but hummus is chickpea dip, while humus a component of soil. So eating dirt?

I’ve seen them around but afaik they aren't banned

I thought we weren’t using ublock origin

Cant unsee that now

I’d say 3 decades.

Wagons and Utes for the love of god.
I want some practicality without having to buy a whole ass truck

Be patient. If you aren’t patient, you will make mistakes and break things or want to do “Ol mate fixes”. Have the patience to do it right the first time and you won’t be spending time redoing it later on down the (metaphorical and physical road)

I want to buy that and VQ swap it. Also increasing the ride height bc that will be wrecked in a week of driving on PA roads


Pontiac dying off is one reason why we don’t have the G8 GT anymore, as for the SS, Holden dying is another reason. Ive heard that PDs with the Caprice PPV had a hard time getting parts as its mainly Aussie parts, and have to be shipped. 

I did some more research and the Sentra, Elantra and Jetta are actually around the same size, give or take a few inches. The Sentra somehow looks so small the Elantra and Jetta don’t look anywhere as small.

I meant this.

I love how the Nissan Altima came in AWD, but not the Nissan Maxima. 

Im thinking tiny sedan. Not Elantra sized. 

I’ve seen a few RTs rolling around but it’s usually the older RTs

No one ever knew about the SS

That too. The GLI is definitely slept on nowadays. Imagine a Jetta R. That would be amazing.

I forgot about that. But you don’t get the “sport” vibe with Mazdas anymore. It feels more “quirky premium” now.