Wow, I'm pretty sure this is a 1 in a Trillion long shot of being alive. I can understand him having nightmares about it for the rest of his life, but I'd be living everyday to the fullest from here on out if I were in his shoes.
Absolutely unbelievable story. I'd give anything to spend 5 minutes just talking to the…
It's like I always tell my kids: as soon as you get out of jail, you have to go back into jail. They seem to go along with this, probably because we also play if you roll doubles, you take a shot.
This is tragic. I'm tired of seeing this beloved entertainer repeatedly humiliated every time he tries to participate in a simple sporting contest. And then people laugh about it like he has it coming. It's time we put a stop to thi—-what?
TBH, I'd much rather they get the hookup with Brian France and bring F1 back to Watkins Glen. After seeing Lewis do seat swap there, I think it would be a great circuit.
Three words: Epic paintball arena. I'll feel just like I'm playing Goldeneye in real life.
Baseball is my passion and this evening I stood at Chavez Ravine in absolute disbelief of what I was lucky enough to witness.
the amount of mad in your response suggests that it really fucking matters to you
No....... not quite. Try caps lock.
Speak up, we can't hear you over the sound of your frame grinding over that speed bump.
Well then, what's the point? Where's the driving benefit? If it's just for looks, well then, I'm with oldlrtybootz.
Sad. Kids, don't do it. It really does get better. Adults, don't do it either. 1-800-SUICIDE is there to help if nothing else will. Please.
In a matchup of heroin & gangs vs. hipsters, I am rooting for heroin & gangs every day.
Sorry to hear that his elbow blew. I initially thought he had simply been told he'd been traded to the Marlins....
They'll have this fixed before they do the sinkhole on DC's 14th Street. Going on week three of repairs.
Well, speaking as a Texan, we here in the south are pretty used to weather creating crazy shit. If OK is anything like here, the people in those cars were probably thinking, "Oh, giant hole in the road? Thats new, they should fix that."
I brought a freezer with me to Iraq. My family used to ship cases of Otter Pops over to me. The locals that did scut work on base took breaks near my hooch, so if I was off-duty at the time I'd bring them all out some Otter Pops. After the 2nd day, the one that spoke English thanked me but asked me not to bring out…
I'm in the middle of Ken Burns' National Park series right now (Netflix). When Teddy Roosevelt had been in office for a year or so, he took a camping trip out there and was apparently like a kid in a candy store. One morning he woke up early and snuck out of camp, hiking 18 miles(!) to take a look at an elk herd,…