
I just found out yesterday that Uber is integrated into gmaps... I’ve used both on my phone for ages and have never seen any sign of this, what am I missing?

Yeah, I’m not looking forward to manually creating a playlist by looking up every one of those songs on Google Music, but such is life...

that sounds kind of perfect... I have the original Mpow ones and like them for the gym, but have given up on even jogging with them because they absolutely will not stay in. might have to bite the bullet on the Soundpeats.

that sounds kind of perfect... I have the original Mpow ones and like them for the gym, but have given up on even

Yeah, completely agree. be snarky when snark is called for.

Sorry, but is the snark aimed at him for “noticing” this really necessary? I haven’t been able to watch the video yet, but judging from his past segments I really doubt he’s guilty of any mansplaining or something similar. Why not simply praise the show for doing a (presumably) well-informed piece on this issue and

Artists and scientists!

pst Billy, we’re pretty far into the season already...

Awesome, thanks!
I’m honestly not sure if I prefer live or self-paced courses, but I’ll try anything to get some new skills before jumping into grad school applications :P

Does anyone know any particularly good resources for learning R or Matlab?


That’s me right now! Admittedly, it’s only happening because it’s automatic with my benefits - and I don’t totally understand yet what kind of plan I have, but I know some money (both mine and employer-matched) is being put away somewhere, which is good enough for me at this point.

Holy hell how have I never seen these. +1,000,000 for Burneko

“He ground a huge gear during his escape, and for a while it looked like he was pedaling squares”

is the newer one worth the extra $35?

is the newer one worth the extra $35?

Hi Angie - loved watching you on Chopped, congrats!

I’m infinitely happy there’s so many soccer posts happening lately, but... why this one? I mean, it’s a good goal, but it’s not particularly special in terms of skill or circumstance.

Kind of unrelated, but the only thing stopping me from using Google’s keyboard instead of SwiftKey is that you have to switch between languages manually, whereas SwiftKey just has all your language dictionaries available all the time.

This is just unbelievably ridiculous and ignorant.

Summer, 2014.
